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After a few weeks.

It's been a few weeks after the engagement and Amaan and Ada have gotten really comfortable with each other and they talk every day now that he has her number.

On Ada's phone.



How's your day going
so far.

It's hectic like

Oh!, Do you have any
plans for this weekend?.

Umm. No.

So, I was thinking to
invite you for clubbing.


You have never been
in club?!.

Umm, No

Then, you should come
for sure. If you want
then bring your friends
with you. My friends are
also coming.

Okay, Amaan.

Okay, then I'll
look forward to it.

With that their conversation ended.

But now what will Ada do?. She doesn't know what happens in the club or what to wear. Thinking this she thought to call her friends to update them about the event.

On Call

Avni: Hey, girl what's up.
She said speaking from the other side.

Ritika: Hey, what happened?.

Ada: Amaan just texted me.

Avni: Ohh!!. What does it say?.
She said being hyped up.

Ada: He said that he wants to go to the club with me these weekend.

Ritika: So, go what's the problem in that.

Avni: Exactly!.

Ada: Arree, guys I don't what is clubbing and I also don't know what to wear.

Avni: Well, that's not surprising at all.
She said sighing.

Ritika: We both will help you get ready and tell you what happens there.

Avni: Yeah, sounds better.

Ada: He also said you can bring your friends with you, I will be also be there with my friends. Can you both come with me and help me out?.

Ritika & Avni: Of course.

Ada: Thank you so much girls.
She said smiling widely.

Avni: I'll also bring you a dress to wear at the club, as I know you don't have one.

Ritika: True.

Ada: What do you wear in club that I don't have?.

Avni: You just wait and watch girl, you are gonna slay it!!.
She said already imagining how she will look.

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