dancing is a dangerous game

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Her mother was hosting another party she hated them so much, faking smiles being nice to rich old men who makes her uncomfortable but she hated more the fact that Aaron convinced her to go.

Aaron that's how she called him now they got pretty close over the past months so she decided to drop the "agent", she stopped mocking him every time she saw him and she wasn't as mad as she used to when he came to pick her up from a party, She still didn't give up quickly, it was only when Aaron promised her they will leave the party early and she could choose any other place she wants to go to and he will come with her that she accepted it, she also knew her mother probably told him to make sure she's there because her tendency to disappear and come back drunk and exhausted so Emily agreed to do that for him she didn't want him to get in trouble.

When she first met him and she discovered his name is Aaron she immediately remembered her childhood friend she did the math and it was possible that they are the same person but she was always too afraid to ask and the fact that he was her babysitter and a robot that made her hate him, she didn't want them to be the same person so she just buried that thought.

Aaron did the same but long time ago, he haven't thought about her in years so even when he heard her name he didn't really thought about it. But that was months ago and now they started liking being in each other's company.


He stared at her she looked stunning with that long red dress he loved her in red, her hair was straightened this time her lips painted red as usual and her lashes looked longer than normally making her dark eyes pop, she looked bored standing in the corner awhile everyone is dancing and talking, it was stupid he knew that but the Ambassador was busy talking with people so he knew he won't be noticed by her, moreover it's just a dance it'll be quick so before he could change his mind he approached her.

Standing next to her on her left joining her in scanning the guests, he lowered his head to whisper in her ear.

"would you like to dance Emily?" He said nervously still looking at the guests afraid to see her expression, there was something about the way he said her name that sent butterflies all over her body "Really?" She asked in a fake shock

"Don't you know what they say? dancing is a very dangerous game" She said quietly slightly amused, he laughed and she once again found herself joining.

"I would love to dance with you Hotch" he raised his eyebrow taking her hand and putting his own on her waist. "so I'm Hotch now?" She looked at him and smiled

"yeah.. it fits you, rolls on the tongue and all of that you know...." He smiled she loved his smile and his dimples and the growing feeling inside her scared her, she never wanted love or a relationship she was too damaged for that but he was making it harder for her.

she didn't know he feels the same, ever since he and Hayley broke up he promised himself he'll focus on his career he wasn't looking for anything especially not love but there she was standing in front of him looking at him with those big brown eyes so full of stars

And he finds himself breaking his promise to himself.


Tell me what you think!
I'm rereading and editing the chapters before they meet again at the BAU and it's so bad

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