‎‏I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush

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He watched her sleep observing her slow and even breathing, her muscles completely relaxed and her beautiful eyes closed.

Aaron found watching her relaxing his fingers running over her bare back delicately as to not disturb her sleep, he had an early meeting with Strauss which he forgot about so he got up quickly and got dressed- struggling with putting on his shirt because it was missing some buttons. He smiled to himself remembering how he lost them.

He then collected the remaining of their scattered belongings, following the trail of clothes they created the night before to the kitchen, it was early but a long day was ahead of him and he needed coffee and something to eat but he couldn't find anything. And her fridge was almost empty as if no one was living there. what does she even eats he asked himself, he gave up on searching when he noticed it was already 4:30am he figured he'll grab something to eat when he gets to his apartment.

Aaron couldn't leave without her knowing, he didn't want to wake her up but he didn't want her to think he abandoned and used her so he entered back into her bedroom and sat down next to her, moving her hair away from her shoulder and leaned to leave there a trail of small kisses from her back to her shoulder.

Emily was so tired but she couldn't complain about having to wake up she loved waking up like this- by him.

"What time is it?" she asked sleepily her eyes still closed Aaron smiled to himself

"It's 4:30am, I'm sorry for waking you up this early" Aaron said kissing her forehead Emily frowned, opened her eyes and changed her position to lying on her back looking at his eyes
"it's okay what's wrong?" she thought something bad had happened if he woke her up this early

"I have a meeting and I need stop by my apartment first" he explained, he would've liked waking up with her but he needed to change his clothes and be at the office earlier than usual.
"I understand" she said yawning

"Do you have any spare key? I don't want you to have to lock the door after me" Aaron noticed how exhausted she looked he already felt bad about waking her up this early he didn't want to make her get up as well especially when she wasn't wearing anything.

"a key? God hotchner you are not wasting any time" she said jokingly Aaron let out a laugh it occurred to her now it's the first one he gave her since she joined the team. It was one of his rare ones it wasn't a small smile or a scoff it was a full laugh it made her get up and lean against the headboard.

"I missed that... Your laugh" she said with one hand holding her blanket over her chest and the other on his face she always loved his laugh she was happy she'll be able to hear it more often now.

"I missed you" he answered kissing her, he wanted to stay there in that moment forever he hated having to leave.

"I think there's one in the dresser by the door" Emily said answering his question and ending their kiss she could really get used to this.

"okay go back to sleep I'll see you soon" Aaron pulled her in for one last kiss and stood up to leave.

Emily waited for the sound of the door closing to get back to sleep, she snuggled back into her bed, feeling cold suddenly and tightened the blanket around her naked body searching for the warmth she felt when he used to lay next to her.

She entered an empty bullpen and found a cup of coffee and a pastry she smiled to herself Emily intentionally came a little earlier she wanted to see him before they have to act like nothing happened. She looked up to his office he didn't notice her arriving and he looked focused on the paper she guessed he had in front of him.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now