and now I'm covered in You

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I have some free time and I'm using it to write so prepare for more chapters in this story and my other one and also some hotchniss and more criminal minds related edits on my TikTok!— enthusemily


"Em?" JJ asked weakly from the other side of the line, making Emily regret her decision to call since it seemed like she had woken her up.

Emily fought back her tears, feeling a lump in her throat that made it difficult to answer and worried JJ even more. "Em, is everything okay?" JJ asked, Emily could imagine her sitting up in her bed, straining to hear any sound from Emily other than her breaths.

"Yeah, yeah, I..." Emily struggled to overcome the suffocation and tightness in her throat. "Do you think I can stop by?" she asked quickly. She feared that if she hesitated too long, her mind would come up with excuses to avoid going. She didn't even bother to hail a cab; instead, she walked subconsciously towards JJ's place. "Of course" JJ replied. "Where are you? Do you need a ride?" she offered, sensing that her friend was not doing well. "No, it's okay" Emily answered abruptly.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" JJ questioned once again, glancing at the wall clock. It was 1:40 a.m and Emily should have been home by now. "I'll see you soon" Emily said before hanging up.


On her way to her friend's house, she remembered a conversation she had with Aaron's mother just before she decided it was time to leave their place. It was a conversation that seemed to foreshadow their fate and where they would ultimately end up.


Emily jumped in surprise and gasped when she finally noticed the figure sitting at the table, holding a tea cup between her wrinkled hands. She laughed quietly. "Did I scare you?" Rose asked. Emily smiled and admitted, "Yeah, just a little bit."

"Did I wake you up?" Rose's expression changed slightly as she considered the possibility. Emily shook her head "No, I couldn't sleep" she replied clarifying the reason for her wakefulness.

Rose silently studied her face with a smile. If Emily were honest, she felt somewhat uncomfortable and tense, as if Rose's actions meant she could actually read her thoughts, much like Aaron could.

"So, sit down. I'll make you a cup of tea" Rose said finally patting the side of the table opposite her. She signaled for Emily to take a seat in front of her. Before Emily could refuse, Rose got up and prepared a warm drink for her.

"I've wanted to meet you for a long time, Emily" Rose said, pouring the boiled water into Emily's cup. "Me too" Emily replied. She found it strange to have a conversation with someone whose back was facing her. "You know, I won't stay for long..." Rose announced, stirring up the tea and placing it in front of Emily. She then reclaimed her seat in the chair opposite her.

"And I'm really happy to leave knowing that my son has you in his life" Rose said lovingly. Emily smiled back after taking a sip of the hot liquid. "I'm happy to be in his" she responded sincerely.

Rose nodded and gave her a sad smile. "How are you holding up, dear?" Emily frowned and asked, "Me?" Rose confirmed seriously, "Yes."

"It's not about me" Emily gave a slight chuckle, earning a knowing nod from Rose, as if she had already expected that kind of response.

Rose made a small coughing sound to clear her throat and put down her tea. "When he was young, Aaron was always the responsible one" she began. "He took on my role and raised himself and his brother. Every choice he made was carefully considered, always putting us before himself." Rose said bitterly, remembering all the times her son didn't hesitate to sacrifice his own well-being for their sake. She wished he hadn't.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now