"𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄"- this pain would be for evermore

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TW: SA kinda implied idk how to describe it really | this is a filler-like chapter basically just hotchniss with a little bit of Jack some from Emily's time after her mission just read if you want;)
I'm posting the next chapter rn

Aaron noticed she was acting different he just couldn't understand why, she wasn't pushing him away she just avoided staying with him at night, she always found an excuse to be alone.

Emily has been having dreams since the case in Woodbridge, she found herself unable to sleep she was suffering from paralyzing nightmares and waking up gasping for air she was dreaming about Collin, in some of those nights she accidentally woke up Aaron and she took it as a sign she needs to stay away from him for awhile she was spending almost every night with him it was too dangerous. She couldn't have him questioning her.

Emily remember the time after her mission her nightmares about Ian were leaving her in a restless state, she was never sleeping and was secretly taking pills to stay awake.

In her 'recovery' journey that's how Clyde named it he made sure that almost every day someone from their team will stay with her.
In one of those nights it was Sean who stayed with her. Emily loved him and she never told anyone that but she secretly resented him for being with her. She hated the fact that he was in that world with her, with Lauren and she was the only one who could not move on, she was embarrassed he was taking care of her.

That day she forgot to take a pill and fell asleep on the couch while Sean was still in her apartment washing their dishes. When she once again woke up screaming Sean's face was right in front of her she didn't have the time to process her nightmare and Emily thought that it was real that she was still there so she attacked him, Emily took him by surprise and hit him pressing the knife she grabbed from the table they ate at to his neck she didn't realize it was Sean, not until he was calling her name and holding her wrist with force, the knife fell from her hand as the realisation sank in and she never talked about it again neither of them did.

She wasn't dreaming about Ian now but she couldn't control her nightmares she didn't know if it'll come back surprising her again what if one night she'll wake up from a nightmare and hurt Aaron? It'll be worse than dreaming about her father's friend.

They got back from another hard abduction case. On that case JJ came to Aaron sharing her concerns about Emily with him, she and Emily shared a room that case and she told Aaron in the next morning that Emily have not been sleeping the entire night.

Emily didn't tell JJ she and Aaron were dating but her friend had her suspicions that's why she felt like talking with Aaron will be more efficient that talking with Emily which she knew will deny everything and say she's fine, JJ believed Aaron could actually help and what JJ told him confirmed his suspicions that something was wrong and Aaron wasn't going to ignore it.

They landed and as they walked to their cars Aaron offered Emily to stay with him the night it was late and he really missed her with him. but she refused, she placed a soft kiss on his cheek and told him she prefer to sleep alone and she'll call him when she gets home. It didn't surprise him she had been doing it for the last couple of cases.

"I'm supposed to have Jack tomorrow..." Aaron started "would you like joining us? We are supposed to make pasta, Rossi's recipe" Emily smiled at the thought she actually missed spending time with Aaron and having jack with them was making her even more excited.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now