‏I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm

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"Josh and Scarlett Thorne, both 24 with no kids they were found dead in their apartment last night" JJ began briefing them about their new case, pictures of the married couple on the screen "It's the second home invasion in the last two months and the Thornes are the second couple in a series the police convinced is going to escalate. They were new to the city and they moved into the neighborhood just five months ago"

JJ revealed the first couple and introduced them Sarah and Eric Robinson they were 28 with no kids, they were killed a month before the Thorne's.

The team already noticed their unsub had a preference both of the women were redheads and the men brunette, it seemed to be a meticulous choice, the couple looked almost identical, from the eye color to their hairstyle. They were a unique pair not something the team used to see, maybe that's why their unsub took such a long cooling off period between each kill- to successfully find couples with that specific appearance.

"Why didn't they invited us before?" Dave asked, they all knew there were numerous reasons as to why they hadn't been invited earlier and it was better to ask for an answer now than in front of the local police, the team knew questions like these were what usually give the impression they are insulting them, but still it was obviously not a normal crime scene, they were curious to know why they are only called now, JJ shrugged "they thought they could handle it but then our unsub killed again" JJ said and continued explaining, any of their tries to locate and connect the families of the last couple has failed and Detective Carlson told her the family of the Robinsons are refusing to cooperate anymore so they had no other leads.

"Anything taken?" Aaron asked looking through the files bringing them back to the case, JJ shook her head "no items missing, In both cases the woman was drugged no signs of sexual assault or torture" images of Sarah and Scarlett were on the screen, tucked into bed with their hands crossed over their chests, if it was shown to any other person they would think they were asleep.

"and the husband?"

The all listened as she explained to them how in both cases the husbands had their necks cut open, severing the carotid artery causing them to bleed out quickly JJ added saying both of them were found on the floor next to their wives.

"the Robinsons were found by Sarah's Mother a month ago she came visiting them the morning after and the Thornes were found by the police the same night when a neighbour called complaining about their dog who wouldn't stop barking, they got there to find the husband lying on the floor and the woman next to him on their bed" JJ continued she mentioned how the police didn't have to break in because the door was unlocked

"Tell them we can be there by 10:30 we will go over the details once we're there." Aaron said, standing up the rest did the same.


They landed and arrived at the station quickly, meeting Detective Carlson, who explained the situation to them, the Robinson's refused to talk to them because they got tired of only answering questions and never getting some themselves, he added that considering the fact the mother was the one to find the couple they didn't push her.

The first thing Aaron did after was to give the team their assignments, he sent Emily with Dave to visit the morgue and asked JJ to do her best with trying to keep it as quiet as she could for as long as possible, their unsub didn't kill for over a month the fact he hadn't been caught yet might gave him the feeling he could get away again, Aaron didn't want him to know they are there he stopped after a month they couldn't risk letting him disappear again.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now