The rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me

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She believed he didn't answer her text the night before because they just got back from their case. It was late and she knew it was a tough one especially for him. Having to face those memories and questions she could only imagine how draining it must've felt.

So she assumed he just fell asleep even though it wasn't like him.

But now she was worried, Aaron always picked up his phone or at least left a message, he never sleeps in and never took vacation. There was no reason why he wouldn't be answering them unless something was preventing him from doing so.

So in her mind Emily already decided she was going to his apartment, she couldn't wait for him to turn up at Dr. Barton's house, the worry distracted her from their case, she told Reid suggesting she will go to check on him adding that he might be able to see things that they missed explaining that they needed more eyes which was true too but her main concern was his absence.

She realized she doesn't have the keys with her so she knocked, calling his name. Her panic raising gradually and her worry increasing with her every unanswered call.
She took out her phone typing his name and calling, hearing his phone ringing from the other side she immediately pulled out her gun and broke the door.

She looked around, trying to find anything that indicated on what happened, her eyes were burning running around the place looking from the suitcase still on the couch to the keys thrown, on top of the dresser.

She then saw the bullet hole and the panic she experienced had spread across her entire body making her chest hurt, she was almost afraid to keep going afraid of what she could find, but she had too she tightened her grip on her gun and continued that's how she saw the blood stain.


She gathered herself quickly, calling Garcia and updating her, Aaron must've been kidnapped since his car was still parked out in front of his apartment, she told Garcia to release an APB and call in local police, "There's blood, but i can't be sure whose it is." A part of her was trying to stay hopeful, optimistic but she had a feeling it was his.

"Just get people here." She finished

"Ok, i'm sending an army."

Before finishing the call Emily urged that she cannot tell the rest of the team she knew this kind of news will distract them the way it was doing to her even before coming over, she couldn't be focused and she didn't want to cause the others to be unfocused too.

"Emily are you okay?" Garcia asked in response to Emily's quick 'goodbye' Emily sighed the question brought tears into her eyes again.

"Just find him Pen, please." Penelope promised her that she will and ended the call, Emily knew Reid was expecting her so she had to tell him, but the thought of having to repeat what she told Garcia was not something she looked forward to.


She stayed in his apartment, watching the bureau techs going through everything, every step they took deeper into the apartment every question they asked and every single picture they took made her heart ache, as needed as it was she felt like his apartment was being invaded and violated, losing all the privacy and security it used to hold, she stood there anxious she couldn't go back. Not when he was missing.

Garcia called her later telling her someone dropped a john doe off at st. sebastian hospital, he was an fbi agent but his name was not Aaron Hotchner it was Derek morgan.
At first it didn't really make sense to her but then she remembered that Foyet took Morgan's creds,

he was back.

She drove to the hospital immediately the questions she had didn't matter the only thing she cared about was the fact he was alive.
How was he alive?

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now