My twisted knife | Doyle flashbacks

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End of the winter 1999

Emily put out her cigarette before crawling back to his side, her arm draped across his stomach and her head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She found it helpful for remembering that he is human.
"What does this tattoo mean?" she asked, tracing her fingertips on the chest she was resting her head on. He had come visiting her again, and as expected, they had ended up in her bed, laying naked next to each other.

Ian had a couple of tattoos, but the one that caused her curiosity to grow was the one on his chest, right parallel to his heart. It was a date 14.8.1996 and she wanted to know its meaning.

"I'll tell you if you tell me about this one" he answered, gently rubbing his finger against the angel wing tattoo she had on her ribcage. She wasn't startled by his question and answered almost immediately, the lie coming out easily despite the sadness thinking about Rome caused her. "I got it when I was 16. It was my first, there isn't any significant meaning to it" she lied, not willing to share that story with him. What happened in Rome was a part of Emily, and she was trying to put that part away.

"And this one?" he asked, lowering the blanket until she remained naked in front of him. He placed his finger on her other tattoo, the one on her hip.

She smiled faintly. "It's your turn to tell, not mine" she replied. That tattoo wasn't easy to ignore, and the way she felt when he touched it made her feel as if he was validating a sacred memory this tattoo was Aaron.
It was like a painful reminder of what she was doing and the difference between the two men she shared her body with.

"Maybe someday" he said, covering her again with the thick blanket.

"Hey! You said you would tell me if I tell you" she said, raising her head. Ian kissed her lips, ending her complaints. "But I never told you when" he grinned.

She growled in frustration when his phone rang, and he left to pick it up and answer, engaging in what seemed a very important call. His whispering told her she wasn't allowed to hear.

"Who keeps calling you?" she asked, but knew he wouldn't give her an answer. "I have to go" he announced, putting his pants back on.

"New supply?" Her attempt to guess made him smile. "Something like that" he said, putting on his shirt.

She straightened in her place, frowning. "Who is your supplier?" she asked. He didn't give her any indication of a transaction happening, and he usually involved her. She is the one providing them - why hasn't he used her now?

"Why? are you jealous It's not you?" he teased, sitting next to her at the edge of the bed to collect his shoes and wear them.

"I am, so tell me, please" she answered, laughing and adding lightness to her tone, so as not to sound too demanding. Ian kissed her again. "It doesn't concern you" he said when he broke the kiss and kissed her forehead before getting up.

"You don't trust me," she said with a smile, making him pause before leaving her room. He turned around and leaned at the doorframe, crossing his arms.

"Trust must be earned, Reynolds."

Emily managed to form a smile, setting herself comfortably against the headboard with the blanket covering her chest and crossing her arms too, challenging him. "So, what are we doing?"

Ian let out a small laugh. "We work" he defined their relationship confidently before stepping back towards her bed. "When I need your assistance, you help, and when you need mine, I do the same" he answered, reaching to the bed in front of her and cupping her cheek with his hand.

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