"𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐋𝐄"- I never learned to read your mind

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Aaron hotchner
One year before joining the fbi, 28

- "Please go" that's what she said to him, she wanted him to go and he did. "That's what she wanted" he told himself he shouldn't be thinking about this anymore it's in the past she is in the past, it's been two years since their break up they both have moved on, neither of them knew the other was making sure they're still well, they still cared for each other but with the longing came the anger, back then Aaron felt like he was ready to fight for them but when he looked back, when he remembered her face he realised she have given up that ability she didn't even try to fight, did she even loved him?

Emily didn't wanted this she didn't want him to go but she didn't tell him that either, she loved him so much she couldn't even begin to describe how, He left her breathless whenever she saw his beautiful two-dimples smile or heard his laugh, she just couldn't comprehend all of these emotions- it scared her she was scared to get hurt but Aaron couldn't possibly know that- he couldn't read her mind so they both just gave up, they decided to stay outside of each other's lives,

Maybe it was for the best they'll both think as time will pass.

This is a bad idea he told himself he should've never come
Aaron didn't know what he was doing, what was he thinking, why is he here?
It's been so long since he last saw her and here he is in New Haven, Connecticut. he knew she's supposed to graduate and despite the way things ended between them he wanted to be there he wanted to see her, it was wrong he had a girlfriend and he shouldn't be here there's no point but still he found himself in the airport.

He and Hayley reconnected a year after he and Emily broke up, they didn't become a couple right away it started with a simple conversation when they met accidentally on the street, Aaron was so surprised to see her and he promise her to meet again for a coffee, they decided to try again but as friends, slowly they became closer that's when Aaron decided they should take the next step, she made him feel good why should they wait? he didn't know he missed Hayley that much, she was a great company he enjoyed listening to her and getting to know her all over again honestly It was just nice not think about her, about Emily.
Hayley made him laugh and just be happy again, he missed that feeling and he was so grateful.

He decided it was a stupid idea there was no reason for him to be here, to see her and even if he did went to see her what would he say to her? So Aaron just decided against it, He booked himself a flight back, the first one which was the next day and went to pass the time in the nearest bar.

He sat in the corner with a beer he didn't want to get wasted and he thought it's a good start.
Aaron was halfway through his drink when he heard her, her laugh followed by other loud voices. Aaron didn't want to look up he was certain he was dreaming could the beer do that? he didn't believe that, then the laugh stopped he looked up and he saw her she was with a bunch of other people some guy had his hands around her they looked close he assumed he was her boyfriend and they're all out to celebrate their graduation.

she looked absolutely stunning she wore dark jeans and a red square neck crop top, he always thought she looked beautiful in red and if he wasn't so shocked the memory would've made him smile, Aaron felt like he's about to pass out he couldn't believe she's actually here what are the odds?

He decided to go to the bathroom and wash his face, when he came back he did everything to make sure she doesn't see him, they were standing next to the entrance so he couldn't leave now without being noticed by her so he decided he should just wait for them to move and then he'll leave, he got back to his place and waited with the beer in his hand.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now