putting roots in my dreamland

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5x11 | "Retaliation"

"Pull over. That's one of us" she heard and winced in pain at the sound of the approaching vehicle. "Pull over, Prentiss!" Derek's voice called out, as he ran towards her. Blinded by the bright lights, Emily closed her eyes, waiting until her vision returned which happened when Derek reached her.

"what the hell happened? Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Bunting's down there. He's dead," she informed, her tone almost cold as she vaguely pointed towards the crushed car she had crawled out of moments ago. Unable to bring herself to look again, Derek squinted, trying to search for Schrader among the wreckage.

"Where's Schrader?" Derek asked, unable to locate him.

Emily tried to focus, but her pounding headache made it difficult. She pressed her hands against her temples, "He's gone. It was a... a big...." she took big breaths between each word "truck, New York tags, Uh, victor alpha 737." Emily replied, she struggled to remember the details she had tried so hard to memorize. Opening her eyes again, she looked in the direction where their criminal had driven off, hoping for clearer details that will fix the blurriness that took over her "They went northbound about 10 minutes ago," she finished, feeling a bit dizzy. It was clear to her she had a concussion.

"Son of a bitch got away," Morgan remarked. "He's got a partner," Emily added. Derek nodded, steadying his friend and pulling her away from the road ditch as if afraid she might lose her balance and fall "Okay, we need to get you to the hospital," he declared.

"Just don't tell Hotch," she whispered. Derek snorted. "Like that's going to happen," he said sarcastically. Emily knew there was no way Derek could hide it from their boss, but the thought of Hotch knowing and worrying about her made her optimistic enough to try. In hindsight, maybe it was just a symptom of her concussion.


"There's been an accident" JJ said, rushing in and capturing the attention of the men. "Emily's in the hospital, and Bunting's dead" she delivered the news, avoiding Aaron's gaze, secretly wishing she wasn't the one to break it to them.

"What... what happened?" Aaron stammered, setting down the case file in his hands. Suddenly, his chest tightened with pain and the fear began to engulfing him. Reid joined in, expressing his concern. "Is she alright?" he asked, mirroring Aaron's worry.

JJ quickly responded, withholding details about the accident but making sure she looked directly at Aaron when she answered "She's okay. She has a concussion. Morgan is with her." Aaron nodded, his mind clouded with concern for Emily. How did she always find herself in these life-threatening situations?

"Where's Schrader?" Dave asked. "He's heading northbound in a truck" JJ replied wearily.

"A truck?" Reid raised an eyebrow in confusion. "He has a partner," JJ explained. "What?" Dave exclaimed, clearly bewildered.

"We need to set up roadblocks... now" Aaron said, snapping himself out of his thoughts. Deciding that being Hotch in that moment was the best and easiest way to avoid thinking about Emily's condition, he reminded himself that she would be fine. They just needed to focus on finding their unsub.


"No, we have to find Schrader!" she said stubbornly. She was now being transferred to a different room after receiving bandages, feeling helpless as the medical staff carried her on a stretcher. And being given unnecessary attention from Derek, which should be focused on finding their runaway criminal.

"The team has it under control" Morgan reassured her. "Don't make me stay here I'm fine, honestly," she pleaded, removing her neck brace. "Pull this thing over" she impatiently instructed the staff.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now