No, I could never give you peace.

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Finally we are done with the Foyet-peace chapters, hope you enjoyed it.
5x09 | "100"


"Is that what you look for?" She asked, a bit surprised it took her so long to figure out what she was doing "A way to blame this on him?"

"What good could it possibly do?" She spat, Emily always had issues with authority, growing up she learned to hide that she knew how to restrain her distaste, but now it was impossible her insensitivity towards Aaron was making her want to display it regardless the consequences.

"Agent Hotchnerr was looking for an opportunity to separate himself from the team and he found one" Strauss said calmly seating in front of the agent

"That isn't true" Emily replied

"he was desperate and he didn't want someone with a clear head to stop him" she continued, Emily recognised that undertone, one of a compliment but on his expense and she was not going to accept that and let her diminish Aaron like that. "is there a question in there somewhere?" She responded ignoring her implication.

"Tell me what happened while agent Hotchner was in the ambulance" Strauss asked

"we contacted the US marshals, they said haley was in the wind she had dumped her cell phone and there was no way to track her"

"and how did agent hotchner react to that news?"

Emily sighed sharply like she was already tried of returning to those moments and telling the story.



"Haley looks pretty good with dark hair. She looks like someone we both know don't you think?" Foyet asked him. Aaron could imagine the smirk on his face. He didn't want to give him the satisfaction of reacting to the reference and widening his smirk. So, he kept quiet.

"She's lost some weight." Foyet went on despite his unanswered taunts "Must be all the stress you caused her."

Aaron did everything in his power to remain silent, trying to manage his anger and fear by focusing on finding any indications on his location, where Foyet could be leading them, he filtered out his statements ignoring his mentions of his son and Emily until he heard his clue.
"Mrs. Hotchner. I'm here. Open the gate and i'll drive in. Ok?"

"Aaron? I really gotta go" he said before ending the call.

Foyet wanted to hurt him and he knew the best way to do that was by killing them in their old house the one they used to share, and that's where he was headed now.


"Aaron? You're ok?" Haley asked confusion and relief accompanying her voice "I'm fine." He answered "But... He said that..."

"Oh, aaron" she whispered understanding who she let into their house "He can hear us, right?" Aaron asked "Yes." Haley answered swallowing nervously

"I am so sorry." She apologized, watching the man who was playing with their son.

"Haley, show him no weakness, No fear." He requested, he knew Foyet was obsessed with control he needed his victims to be scared to get off, he wanted Haley to avoid that. He remembered that lack of reaction was what saved Morgan the last time they faced him but Aaron knew it wasn't the same since Morgan was unconscious.

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