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This is chapter number 40! So crazy thank you to anyone who actually reads it lol
Enjoy this one I hope it's not too boring!<3

4x17 | "Demonology"

"What do I do now?" She cried, there was something about crying in front of him that just was so ominous to her, like her quick sniffs and sobs were the start her undoing.

Emily didn't cry when she found out she was pregnant she didn't cry when she had her abortion or when she entered the church with him and did her best to ignore the priest's eyes that she was sure were able to set her in flames with his will power alone.
But she did cry now when it was supposed to be over, when everything was behind her, she didn't need to face her mother or the church she didn't need to lie and hide her pregnancy symptoms she was now free but still she didn't feel better she was a mess, drunk, exhausted and with her tears rolling down her cheeks without stopping, the knowledge it was actually over sank in and she let it out finally

In front of him.

"You are going to be okay. I promise" Matthew said, Emily stared at him for awhile her hand raising and resting gently high on the side of her ribs to stop herself from scratching the home of her new tattoo that was suddenly itching, an angel-like wing, one she chose in a memory of the baby she could not keep and also a reminder of what she did.
Her friend changed too she noticed it. It was like her abortion had impact him too, she just didn't knew how much. Usually he would never agree to come with her to a party or drink alcohol but uncharacteristically it was his idea he thought it will cheer her up.

She was too deep in her own grief and pain that she forgot to consider Matthew might be struggling too and when she will finally do want to say something it'll be too late she will have to leave. And Matthew will just act like Matthew he'll say he understands that he loves and will miss her, and then he will watch her leave.

Emily 26, Rome

She always loved the rain, the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground, the puddles it created and its smell it was comforting, like it was washing away everything from everyone and bringing peace into her life and mind.

But did it really have to rain now? Emily just arrived in Rome she contacted Matthew months ago and they decided to meet and catch up. She knew it's been years and she was pretty stressed about seeing him again but hearing his voice he was actually looking forward for her to come so it eased her fears. She always felt bad for never doing that before but at least it finally happened.

Matthew promised to pick her up from the airport but he was late she blamed the rain for it and she was resisting the temptation to just run outside and catch a cab herself, but she didn't so she just sat and stared letting herself think about what she would say when she sees him again.

Soon enough the rain stopped and the skies cleared up a bit and he finally arrived, she didn't know how long she waited she didn't even noticed him, not until he picked her up and spun her around the airport until she felt dizzy "You're here!" She said as the surprised was replaced with relief because she realised who is the man who hugged her.

Emily felt relieved she didn't had to overthink and be worried about what to say or act because he basically just chose for her, clearly he missed her just as much and was fine hugging her which meant there won't be any awkward moments, and she was grateful for that.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now