you didn't even hear me out

231 9 0

1993 Emily prentiss
Graduated from Yale, 23

She could feel his eyes, she could feel him staring at her, she noticed him as soon as she entered the bar her laugh faded instantly. he looked good, he wore a simple white T shirt and jeans she loved him without his suit, he seemed younger less stressed but she couldn't keep look at him so she quickly looked away.

she didn't know what to do what made him come here? Did he came for her? Emily though but as soon as that thought came to her head she brushed it off there is no way he came for her, not after the way they ended things,  they way she ended things she remained herself, she looked at him again his head was down and the moment she saw him going to the bathroom she decided she'll go talk to him when he's back.

"Hey" she said from behind him, if he was shocked to see her Emily didn't notice he turned to look at her

"hey Emily" he answered with no emotion in his face or voice, she softly smiled at him, she missed hearing him say her name

"do you mind if I sit?" He was quick to respond "not at all feel free to" he said taking another sip from his beer right now he wished he took something stronger she took a big breath

"so how have you been? It's been two years..." she said, she already knew how he was doing she was making sure he's okay, she checked on him asked her mother about him everytime she got the chance, her mother never knew about them and if she never had any suspicions she sure had now but still she never told Emily anything.

"Yeah I've been doing good" he said looking at his beer "I reconnected with Haley we also been doing good" he said looking up to her, Emily felt like she's about to throw up, her face fell, Haley? Did they really got back together? when did that happen? did he really move on that fast?

Emily felt stupid how dare she be upset she doesn't deserve to question him she lost that right a long time ago, also two years is a long time he had the right to move on, if she can't do the same that's her problem not his, she's not his problem anymore.

he regretted saying that as soon as he saw how her face fell but he shouldn't. He shouldn't feel guilty for telling her about Haley it's not like she hadn't moved on, in fact she seems extremely happy next to that guy, she doesn't deserve to feel anything towards him she was the one who gave up, he loved her so much he was willing to do anything for her but she chose to leave him alone to process and grieve all of this "love" alone, it made him so angry.

"I'm happy for you" she said but she didn't know if she really meant that "thank you" he answered looking down back to the beer in his hand

"I also heard you stopped working for my mother...." she said, she missed him and wanted him to talk to her to give her more than a second of eye contact "I did..." he answered simply he was getting pretty annoyed by her questions

"what have you been up to since then?" She said staring at him almost like trying to magnetize his eyes to hers she wanted him to look at her.

"Listen Emily we don't have to do this, you can go I don't want to keep you from joining your friends" he said annoyed, he became even more angry at her, why is she doing this? She just needs to leave him alone.

"I don't understand" she said frowning "I'm just trying to catch up with you" now Emily became angry she was just trying to be nice he didn't have to act so rudely, he sighed

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now