Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?

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"Emily!" She heard Garcia yelling from the other side of the line, the loud noises and music told her she wasn't at home. "Pen?" Emily asked sleepily

"It's so nice hearing your voice I missed you so much" Emily sighed, getting up from her bed she saw Penelope today how much did she drink for the feeling of missing her to develop?
"what's wrong?"

"Well..." she laughed "me and JJ were wondering if you could give us a ride" she asked hesitantly sensing Emily won't be too happy about them needing one "where are you at?" She asked frowning a bit worried.

"Who is it? Is that Emily? Hey Em it's me JJ!!" JJ burst into the call yelling and disappearing just as fast as she entered it "we are at Jo's..." Penelope confessed ashamed.

It was one of the bars they used to frequent, she didn't understand what they were doing there at that hour, alone. "Just stay there don't go anywhere" Emily said putting on her shoes, Penelope smiled "I promise you we have no intentions of doing that" she said cheerfully

As usual Aaron's door was closed, she assumed he was probably asleep by now so she left without telling him.


"buckle up girls! we are dropping JJ first" Emily said, entering the driver seat, JJ yawned "no need I'm staying at Pen's!" Emily raised her eyebrows but decided to ask for the reason for that later.

"So, how are things going with Hotch?" JJ asked running her fingers through her hair "Yeah is he still giving you a hard time?" Penelope asked

"He is... I don't know" Emily answered shrugging, for the first time she didn't find herself trying to avoid answering their questions, she just wished she had real answers for them.

"Have you had a chance to talk to him?" JJ asked

"Not really. We've barely had any conversations." Emily responded keeping her eyes on the road Their relationship has certainly improved since the beginning. He has gone from completely ignoring her to now saying "good morning" and "good night." And occasionally staying to eat dinner with her.

"He's doing better but I know he's worried and frustrated..." Emily said faintly "it's hard I'm just trying to be patient" she let out a sigh

"You're doing the right thing. He just needs some time." JJ said giving her a small smile

"Yes, I know."

"You love him" Penelope said, it almost sounded like a tease, Emily laughed looking at her from the rear view mirror "I do" she said and watched her chuckle to herself, like the thought of them together still excited her.

"Of course you do." JJ said" "So, take my drunken advice and remind him of that. It's important to be patient and understanding, but given everything that happened, he could use that reminder." She finished, playing with her hair

"You are so wise even when you're drunk..." Penelope whispered as she rested her head against the window and closed her eyes.

"I know right?" Their blonde friend said. Looking at Emily for a sign of agreement, since Penelope seemed to fell asleep.


"Close the door" she said firmly

"what's wrong?" Emily said. They arrived at Penelope's house, and JJ was prepared to get up from her seat, wake Penelope up, and leave. However, since Penelope was still asleep and Emily was worried about what was bothering JJ and why she wasn't going back to her house and Will, Emily decided to question her right away, she believed JJ wanted to talk about it.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now