The more that you say the less i know

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Like I promised another chapter! | This one was so fun to write hope you'll enjoy reading it<3 Tysm for 3k reads!

Her birthday was today, she's gonna be 33 Aaron was thinking all week about how to celebrate it. He knew Emily wasn't really a fan of big surprises so he guessed she'll just want to spend the day with him.

Aaron woke up early and made them breakfast when finished he went back to the bedroom and snuggled back next to her, holding onto her waist and pressing soft kisses on her shoulder and neck "What's that for?" She asked smiling with her eyes closed, the smell of the breakfast he probably made for them waking her too.

"It's your birthday" he answered getting up and kissing her forehead "is it?" She asked sarcastically and opened her eyes to look at him

"happy birthday Em" she smiled and cupped his cheek "thank you" she whispered and responded to his kiss "Now get up I made us breakfast" he said pulling away Emily chuckled "you always make breakfast"

"I know but this one's special"

"how special?"

"wake up and find out" he said getting up and offering her his hand she took it, and he helped her get up too "I'll take a shower and come" she said


"Everything looks so good" she said sitting comfortably in front of him, the table was filled with all kinds of food, more than the two of them combined can even consume. He made them French and avocado toasts, waffles, pancakes and coffee he also placed some berries, strawberries and chocolate chips she didn't know where to start so she poured herself coffee first.

"So how do you want to celebrate?" He asked biting from his avocado toast, he hoped they won't have any case today, the last week was pretty case-free, they didn't have any active cases and he hoped it'll stay that way today too.

"I didn't really think of it" she confessed, Emily never celebrated her birthdays even when they were dating back then they used to just spend the day in bed and order food it was her favorite thing to do with him. She didn't know what to do now. "what do you have in mind?" She asked

"Well I'm supposed to have Jack today, I was thinking about leaving him with Jessica for the night and we can go out... maybe a restaurant I know a really nice one" he suggested, Jack wasn't really supposed to be with him, Haley had plans for tonight and she was planning on leaving Jack with her sister so he figured he'll stay with him for awhile instead and he'll take him to Jessica later.

Aaron didn't tell Emily that but Jack had a small surprise for her too.

"sounds good" she nodded at him.
"Good" Aaron smiled and put a waffle on her plate "I'll go get ready, eat please" he said getting up and kissing the top of her head "don't worry about it" she said grabbing the syrup.

Emily and Aaron entered the bullpen and found Garcia running towards them at first Emily thought she was aiming to hug and wish her a happy birthday but instead she said something that ruined all of her plans for the day "We have a case" She said and disappeared into the round table room, Emily looked at Aaron with a small smile she was actually starting to get excited about his plans for her birthday she was sad it's not going to happen, but that was their work she wasn't surprised.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now