it's just around the corner, darling 'Cause it lives in me

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"Melissa adored Seth they had an amazing marriage he will never lay a finger on her and if that's what you think you are mistaken." Melissa's mother said sternly, looking around as if one of her workers could hear and start spread that rumor.

The visit to the family house was cut short by her, she could not stand the idea of her daughter suffering from the hands of her husband, and she wouldn't let Aaron or Emily to ask anything regarding their marriage, they knew she was charged with emotions and she wouldn't cooperate.

"Seth was murdered and instead of finding whoever did that to him and Melissa you waste your time coming here to try and ruin his name? he was family! and if Melissa was here she would've said the exact same thing!" She yelled, standing up from her seat forcing them to do the same.
Her husband still seated, his eyes glued to the picture in his hands. He was gripping its golden frame unable to let go of his daughter.

"I would like you to leave my house now." She said, Aaron and Emily knew there was nothing else they could do. They wouldn't be able to get answers, and deep down, they knew this family didn't possess them. Now there wouldn't be secrets revealed by a sister or a neighbor. All they had was a mother blinded by pain and a grieving husband who sat still, not engaging in the conversation as if he wasn't even there.

"Thank you for your time ma'am" Aaron said, she scoffed and left the living room and in instant her husband seemed to come back from his trance the kind of trance he went into whenever his wife was speaking, he escorted them to the door not saying a word and closing the door after they left.


This case was getting worse, and it affected them all, they were tired and more lost with each minute passing, reuniting again at the station trying not to look as exhausted as they felt they went over what they found

Apart from Seth being blonde and not brunette like the two other husbands Seth was also stabbed Morgan said that according to the coroner they were done post mortem since there was very little blood moreover the murder weapon was left at the scene.

Their unsub lost his self control he was triggered by something, most likely Seth's appearance maybe the unsub's husband was blonde too.

They had two dead couples and wives who suffered from physical abuse, they knew both of them talked to someone but not with their close ones or the police.

"so if Seth didn't abused Melissa why kill them?" Detective Carlson asked crossing his arms "The workers never heard or seen anything that indicates on problems" Morgan revealed, their last couple came from a very popular and wealthy families and backgrounds, none of the workers who worked in their house testified on anything close to that.

"The family said the same, he would never lay a hand on her" Aaron said, sharing the similar answer

"if she killed them he had to" Emily said decisively "so you think they're lying?" Reid asked "more like I think they just didn't know" She replied, she knew all about those types of men, Seth must've had his way of charming people making them love him until they are completely victimized by blind admiration.

She continued "Rich, popular and powerful... those types of families would never let anyone know they have problems, pretending everything is perfect is a part of their life" she finished explaining, she didn't think Melissa would ever say something she wouldn't go for a divorce either.

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