And I couldn't be sure, I had a feeling so peculiar

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Two chapters in one day? I'm generous today | I'm sorry this is short. This episode is one of my favorite I hope my writing of it will live up to the expectations.
4x04 | "minimal loss"

Aaron spent the entire night trying to fall asleep, Emily was already asleep next to him and he didn't want to wake her so he sat at the living room, reading a book he again was kept awake by a familiar feeling a one he knew too well. Aaron had a bad feeling, he couldn't blame it on his marriage problems or Haley anymore and he wasn't sure he can ignore it like he did last time, it took him a long time before he finally gave in to his tiredness and fell asleep.

Aaron got up early he decided he'll take a shower it'll be better than just stare at the ceiling.

He finished his shower and got dressed putting on his sweatpants along with a simple t shirt, it was 4:30am it wasn't like he could get ready for work it was too early he entered the bed again pulling Emily's body closer to him, she smiled to herself as his smell invaded her nose and he found himself relaxing both falling asleep again.

Her alarm started ringing waking them both up it was 6:00am Emily was supposed to leave with Reid to Colorado and she needed to get up but Aaron wouldn't let her "just ten minutes" he whispered against her skin she turned in his arms "I need to take a shower" she said

"Five minutes" he said, she laughed and gave up letting him hold her closer "five minutes" she said again, her back pressed to his stomach and his arms wrapped around her both of them laying on their sides facing the same direction spoon-like position.

she let herself melt in his arms she felt protected but the five minutes were over and she needed to get up. "I need to take that shower" she said, Aaron laughed kissing her shoulder and letting her get up.

While she was in the shower Aaron started getting ready to work changing his pants and wearing his shirt and tie. he decided to make them some breakfast, he knew she won't be in the office today because of her and Reid's interviews in Colorado so he wanted to spend some time with her before she'll leave.

Emily picked a light blue button up shirt and black jeans and placed them on her bed next to Aaron's jacket, she then brushed her teeth and took a shower she got dressed quickly after, dried her hair and left to join Aaron.

"you look beautiful" he said preparing the table Aaron made them some toasts and boiled eggs with vegetables and of course some pancakes because he knew how much Emily loved it.
When they stayed at Aaron's place there was always more options for food at breakfast.

"thank you" she answered and kissed him.

After eating Aaron took their plates and went to wash the dishes the feeling that kept him awake started occupying him again, he didn't notice that the plate in his hand was clean and the water was running unnecessarily.

"This plate is clean" Emily said closing the tap and taking the white plate from his hands "but I think that bowl could use some scrubbing" she said pointing at the bowl Aaron used for making her pancakes

He chuckled "I'm sorry I'm just a little tired" he said reaching for the towel and drying his wet hand

"what's wrong?" She asked, Emily didn't believe him, before closing the tap she called his name three times he was so deep in thoughts he didn't notice and it worried her.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now