I can't dare to dream about you anymore

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A lot has changed since they got together.

Usually when they had a day off Aaron was still finding himself working, doing some paperwork and finishing reports but now he didn't.
He spent the entire morning with Jake before Haley took him and now he was spending the afternoon with Emily at her apartment.

It became some sort of a routine they both liked, spending the night at each other's places was their favorite thing to do especially after long cases.

Aaron come visiting her at 13:00 and it was 15:30 when they decided to finally leave the bed. Getting up Emily wore Aaron's shirt over her naked body leaving him with only his pants but he didn't complain he loved seeing her wearing his clothes.

He made them lunch with the groceries he insisted she buys he basically just made pancakes with chocolate chips it wasn't really the healthiest choice of a food but that's what Emily wanted.

"Do you have Jack tomorrow?" Emily asked getting up from her chair and pouring herself coffee. Aaron stared at her barefoot with only his shirt on he could've sworn it was the most beautiful sight he had ever witnessed.

"I don't. Haley is visiting her parents with him" he smiled wiping away the Chocolate from the corner of her lips. she put down her coffee and stood in front of him stroking his cheek "he asked about you, you know?" Aaron said

"He did?" Her eyes lit with pure joy, she met Jack a couple of times after she and Aaron got together but for a short time. Aaron didn't introduce her to him or even Haley as his girlfriend and they didn't spend too much time together so she couldn't believe she made an impression on him it made her happy Jack was adorable she loved him.

Aaron nodded "he likes you" he said tucking her hair behind her ear and kissing her. Aaron loved Emily and he liked to see his son with her, his two favorite people together it made him feel at ease. He thought about having Emily to stay the night when Jack is with him, he was sure they'll have a great time.

"He keeps asking me about my superhero friend who didn't know how to draw" Emily laughed and kissed him back "I like him too" she said in between kisses

Slightly raising her shirt Aaron's fingers were searching for her familiar tattoos the one on her hip and a small single angel wing on her rib cage she got when she was 16.

His touch causing a chain reaction and Emily hands started sliding up from his bare back to the back of his head pulling him closer and kissing him with force

Aaron picked her up and blindly carried her to her bedroom kissing her neck he only stopped because his phone started ringing Emily sighed in frustration and pressed her forehead to his annoyed by his unpleasant pause.

"Let's just ignore it" Emily said kissing him again but she didn't really mean it she guessed it was from work and she knew they had to be on call at any given moment and Aaron knew that too, he put her down, kissed her head and went to answer the phone Emily left the room to clear the table from the remaining plates and pancakes.

"We have a case, child abduction" Aaron left Emily's bedroom and searched his ready bag for some clean clothes, JJ had called him telling him that Jane Brown a six-year-old went missing. Her mother came to pick her up from school but she wasn't there.

They both knew the unsettling statics on children abductions and they knew they had limited time to find her.

"JJ will call you any minute now, we'll meet the team in Woodbridge " the ride to there wasn't long it was something like twenty minutes drive- it left them more time to work on the case which was a relief.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now