Who knows if I never showed up what could've been

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Quickly after realising John was the last name on the list Emily and Dave split and while she and Morgan went to stop father Paul Dave went to update Aaron.

They managed to get there just in time before he managed to finish performing the exorcism, john was safe a little bit shaken up but overall okay Father Silvano lost his diplomatic status so he could be extradited back to Italy.

‎"Emily, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. In italy.״
He said tightening the blanket around himself, she gave him a small smile she wasn't mad at him.

When they burst into the room she saw how frightened he was, even when they stopped father Paul he still screamed and cried he only stopped when she held him. the way he sobbed and hugged her when she untied him just reminded her how they were both just kids back then his grip over her just sealed that for her too.

Neither of them knew what to do so he choose the easy path which was ignore her and let her figure it out alone, it wasn't right and it wasn't easily forgotten however she wasn't mad at him then and she wasn't mad at him now.

But she did was slightly uncomfortable having to remember it again "Ok, just let them do their job." She said guiding him to the ambulance and paramedics ignoring Aaron's intense gaze when John kissed her goodbye.

"If you want my gun and badge, I understand." She said approaching him, she now was ready for the consequences of what she did, she didn't care anymore but that wasn't Aaron's intention.

"There is no need for that" he said, his eyes were soft, he felt like a total jerk the way he reacted and what he said. He was ashamed for sending her away because he was afraid "Emily I..." he began but stopped just as fast when father Paul got closer to them accompanied by Derek and officers. It was time for him again to switch to a professional mood.

Telling him the italian government has rescinded his diplomatic status and he's headed to the airport, Aaron felt bad having to leave Emily again but he had a feeling she is not going anywhere either.

He couldn't leave before he apologised so he called her before she started walking away "Emily"

She just looked so tired he almost felt bad having to stop her "I'm so sorry. For everything" he felt like it was already an overused statement but he couldn't think of another way to cobvey how he felt. she stepped closer to him, she didn't care if Derek could see them Aaron almost let out a sigh of relief for seeing her gesture, willing to be close to him again, not resenting him. "it's okay" she said softly

"do you need me to take you home?" He asked, trying his luck knowing she refused Dave׳s offer, he didn't want her to wander around it was snowing.

But she shook her head "no. You go Derek is waiting I need some time alone please" he and Derek were supposed to drive father Paul to the airport she didn't want to hold them back and she didn't want to go to his apartment now anyway.

Aaron nodded in understanding stroking her hair, feeling the snowflakes melting under his palm "I'll be waiting for you" he said placing a quick kiss on her temple and walked over to a waiting Derek.

Dave was right it was almost unreal.

She felt like she was pulled into some kind of a dream, she stood in front of a church she didn't know was her destination, she felt like she was floating without a goal she pulled out the picture the one with Matthew and John, one of the happiest moments they shared, it felt so long ago.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now