𝐖herever you stray, I follow

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Thank you for 11k reads what???? It's insane!!!!
Anyway this is a disclaimer- this part is not a continuation of the willow parts but since willow was a really short chapter with only two parts I figured I'll honor this happy little filler-chapter with naming it after a quote from the song:)


They were at Dave's place again, spending another night together. JJ came with Will and brought Henry along, which was incredibly exciting because he was already two years old, walking, and saying words so beautifully. Emily found herself staring at him and observing Jack's interaction with him from time to time.

The five-year-old attempted to get Henry to play with him and follow his game rules, but Henry seemed to ignore him, focusing instead on a train that Jack had seemingly abandoned.

Watching Jack's interaction with Henry made Emily realize how much he had matured. She watched as he tried to explain how to play with the train to Henry but eventually gave up and just handed it to him. In that moment, Emily felt an overwhelming sense of admiration. Jack had been through so much at such a young age, more than any child should have to endure. She was grateful to have been by his side, watching him grow up into an amazing kind kid.

"You look tired" he declared, calling out to her. She turned to face him, Aaron didn't seem to need confirmation from her "I am" she replied, giving him one anyway with a small smile.

"So let's go home" he said, rubbing her back. She nodded in agreement. "I'll go get Jack" she announced, and before he could complain about her leaving him alone to inform their friends that they were leaving, she disappeared.

Aaron started to feel uncomfortable waiting for her to come downstairs with Jack. He had already said goodbye on behalf of both of them, but she still hadn't shown up. He excused himself from the group and used the stairs to go up to the room where his son slept, next to JJ's son.

He found her standing at the entrance of the room, seemingly lost in thought. She didn't notice Aaron approaching from behind until he slid his arm over her stomach, causing her to flinch before recognizing the unexpected gesture was from him.

Emily smiled and passed her hand over his arm, holding it tightly without taking her eyes off the two boys in front of them. "I wondered where you were. I started to think you fell asleep with them" Aaron said jokingly, pulling her closer and kissing her cheek. Emily chuckled "No, I just watched them for a while. Jack looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to disturb him." She replied

Aaron snuck his left arm to join his right in wrapping around her body. He kissed her neck and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Do you ever think about it?" He asked in a quiet low voice "kids" he quickly clarified, as if there was any doubt about what he meant. Emily rubbed her hands against his arms, pondering the question that brought a smile to her face.

"Sometimes, yeah" she answered softly, closing her eyes as he kissed her cheek again.


Jack woke up as soon as they reached the car. "Did you have fun today?" Emily asked, buckling the tired boy into his seat. Jack nodded weakly "Henry is very little, so I had to teach him how to play." He explained

"Did he listen?" Aaron inquired from behind the steering wheel, turning to meet his son's smile knowing the answer already. "No, but that's okay. Penny said it's because he's still tiny, she said he'll listen when he gets bigger like me" Jack replied. Emily entered the car, smiling after hearing his response. "Penny is very right"  She was certain he would make an amazing big brother someday.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | hotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now