Chapter 6

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I'm still on the ground with Spencer who has calmed down significantly, despite a few shakes here and there as he silently works on processing his experience. He continues to lean into me, and I continue to support his body against mine, rubbing his back and talking quietly to him for reassurance. The rest of the team had gone back to process the scene and start finding out where the perpetrator might be, but Hotch stays about 15 feet away, watching Spencer with the concern a dad watches his young son with. I motion Hotchner over, and when he gets to me Spencer has looked up towards Hotch.

"I- Hotch I ju– I don't kno-" Spencer tries to explain to Hotch what happened and he just quiets him and says everything will be okay. Hotch looks at me and pulls a key from his pocket, a key he had gotten from the car before everything went to hell.

"Charlotte, I don't have any victims here, but whatever just occurred wouldn't have been as smooth if you weren't here. Thank you. Could I ask you to take Reid back to the hotel, just make sure he's okay? I think he just needs a moment away after..." Hotch trails off and I take the key from his hand, nodding in agreement. I look to Spencer, who is looking at Hotch and seems to be relatively back to a calm state.

"Spencer?" he looks at me. "Is it okay if I drive you back to the hotel? Maybe we'll grab something to eat for when you're ready?"

"Yeah that's a good idea" he says unsteadily as he starts to get up from the ground. "Hotch, I'm so sor-"

"Spencer, stop. It's okay. Sometimes things get a little too much. Take the night okay?" Hotch says calmly, and with a nod of his head, Spencer and I walk back towards the car, this time I drive and Spencer sits shotgun. The ride to the hotel is quiet, most of the way back I spend listening to his breathing to make sure he doesn't experience a second attack, and he stares out the window quietly as the GPS tells me where to go. The hotel is roughly 35 minutes of a drive from where we ended up this afternoon, but only a 5-minute drive to the police station we worked out of. Having been called in after the fact, I didn't have a room yet, but I could sort that out later.

"Charlotte?" his voice is unsteady still, but he's mentally back in the car with me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I look over to see him looking at me, his eyes still kind of glossy from trying to hold back tears.

"I'm really sorry you had to se-"

"Spencer, please don't apologize for being human" I cut him off. "Listen, I don't know your story, or much about you for that matter, but what I gathered was that something caused you to panic when you walked into that room to find bottles of Dilaudid everywhere. I don't need to know, nor do you have to tell me, but I want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk or need someone to listen without judgment. I just want you to feel comfortable and safe, and if there's anything I can do to make that happen... I want to do it". I shifted my gaze quickly over to the passenger side and saw him fidgeting with his hands again, so I reached my right hand over to squeeze his hand and let him feel I was there and meant every word. I feel him squeeze my hand back, and he continues to hold my hand for a few seconds before letting go.

We pull up to the hotel and park the car, I ask him if he has his room key and if I can walk with him to make sure he gets in safely. He nods and we go up to his room. Before I leave him so I can go figure out if I can get a last-minute room, I give him my personal cell number so he can reach me anytime. I turn to walk away, when I feel the warmth of his hand touch mine; as though he was reaching out to stop me but got nervous about actually taking my hand. I turn to look at him. I could stare into those eyes for the rest of time and it would still feel too short. Something about the way he looked into my eyes made me melt, and the touch of his skin to mine sent electric jolts through my body.

"Thank you, for everything today. I genuinely don't know what would have happened if you weren't here. I'm really glad you're on this case with us" he said softly, never breaking his gaze from mine.

"Anytime, Spencer. Thank you for trusting me to be with you at that moment. It's something I don't take for granted. If you need anything, please..." he nods his head in agreement and just before I go his voice perks up again to the Spencer Reid I knew best.

"What's your room number? Are you with us?"

I chuckled quietly, maybe out of a bit of fear they won't have rooms, and the other bit out of hopes I would get to spend more time with Spencer tonight while the team is still out. "Uhm, I guess I'll let you know when I get back from the front desk. Gotta go sort that out" I reply as I start to walk away. He chuckles softly and watches me walk down the hall until I round the corner to the elevators. I'm glad he can't see my face because I feel the bright red cheeks appearing and I just can't hold back a stupid smile. I'm just happy he's okay, and selfishly, being the one to intercept him in a vulnerable state where he leant on me for support... fuck. Please don't let this end here... please don't let this end poorly.

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