Chapter 21*

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I could hear footsteps coming up to my apartment door as I stood in the kitchen making two cups of tea. Spencer walked in the door with his go bag, pocketing his keys and turning to meet my gaze.

That sight of Spencer coming in the door of my apartment felt so natural, like he was simply coming home after a long day of work.

He put his bag on the floor and walked over to me, scooping me up and sitting me on the cool counter. His hands were on my hips and mine wrapped around his neck as he licked his lips and leaned in to kiss me, hard. The butterflies in my stomach took flight again as his passion thickened, kissing me with a hunger that I had never felt before, and placing his right hand behind my head as he started to play with my hair. He pulled away, both of us nearly gasping for air as the kettle finished boiling.

"I– um– didn't know if you wanted tea but I have all kinds if you do" I offered, and I watched his eyes flutter open as he smiled, keeping his hands on my waist.

"I'll have whatever you're having" he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and helped me down from the counter. I made our teas as he hugged me from behind the whole time, resting his head on my shoulder. We made our way back into the bedroom, Spencer quickly grabbing his go bag to change into sweats and a t-shirt while I pulled the pillows of my bed up so we could sit.

"So what do your evenings usually look like, doctor?" I smirked his way as he crawled up the bed towards me, kissing me quickly before he fell back and settled against the pillows. He waited for me to put my mug down before he pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around me as I laid my head against his shoulder, snuggling into him.

"Nothing glamorous. I usually work late, either make or grab dinner, shower, maybe read a book or two and then fall asleep" he said with a slight laugh.

"A book or two? So I take it you don't watch tv? And how exactly do you get through books so quickly?" I asked, slightly teasing him.

"No, I don't watch tv though I own one. As per your second question, Our conscious minds can process sixteen bits of information per second. Our unconscious, however, can process eleven million".

"I just love how you know all these things" I glared up at him in awe, he truly was one-of-a-kind. I felt him tighten his grip on me, pulling me closer.

"Your evenings, tell me about those and what you get up to" he pondered.

"Well, like you, I work late, come home to make dinner, shower, and usually end up watching whatever is on tv until I fall asleep. As you said, nothing glamorous. Tonight however, was a very nice change in routine" I couldn't hold back a stupid smile as my cheeks turned rosy again. Spencer let out a low growl, his hand against my cheek turning my face to meet his.

"Hmm– you liked that?" He kissed me, and I adjusted myself to be facing him a little better.

"Very much so" I whispered back to him, deepening the kiss. I felt his lips part as he lightly nibbled on my bottom lip before his tongue slipped into my mouth. Before I knew it, I was straddling him, his bulge growing with every movement of my hips on his while his hands played with my hair, keeping his lips against mine.

"Char–" he moaned as I began kissing down his neck.

"Yes, Doctor?" I whispered back, bringing my lips back to his.

"It's pretty late, I don't want to keep you up too long" I could've sworn I heard his voice breaking a little, as though this was painful for him to say. I pulled away from him to meet his gaze. Fuck his eyes could pierce through the window of your soul with a quick look, and you'd be thinking about that moment for the rest of time.

"I know" I said, disappointment creeping through my voice. He must have heard this, cause he rolled us over so he was spooning me, holding me tightly and kissing my cheek.

"We have all the time in the world, darling. I just want to make sure you take care of you" he said softly as he pulled the blankets down for me to get cozy under.

"Will you hold me until I fall asleep?" I asked as we both climbed under the covers.

"Now that I've got you, I won't ever let you go" he whispered to me as he kissed my cheek and turned off the lights, his arms around me pulling me against his body. I felt him nuzzle his head into my neck, and within minutes I could feel my body getting heavier as I started to drift off to sleep. 

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