Chapter 46

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Two days. That's the length of time it took from enjoying the quiet span between cases to getting whisked away again. I was sitting in Spencer's desk chair, shooting the shit with JJ and Prentiss when Hotch walked in, a serious look on his face. The whole team knew this look, as did I. I sighed, standing up and kissing Spencer quickly before turning to leave.

"Hillburg, you may as well come in as well. Can you get Sawyer in here too?" Hotch asked and the whole team turned to look at me.

"Uh— yes, of course. I'll go get him and be right back." I said, sending confused looks to Spencer who didn't seem to return them. He seemed like he almost knew exactly what was going on, and it made my stomach turn ever so slightly. I walked down the hall quickly, knocking on Sawyer's door and then popping my head in while he finished his phone call, holding up one finger to indicate he was almost done. As he hung up the receiver I wasted no time; now I was getting worried.

"Hotchner requested us both in the BAU conference room" I stated, Sawyer looked at me with a blank look on his face. "Now, Alex" I spat as he reacted a little too slowly.

"Oh shit okay, this is a bad one then" he said, rising quickly from his chair and walking quickly with me back to the BAU conference room. We entered and stood quietly at the back of the room while Hotch started the briefing.

"Over the last three days, a series of packages have been received by myself and Reid. These packages all contained short threatening notes and pictures of the team in various locations off shift" Hotch started off, I looked at Spencer and he failed to make eye contact.

"This morning, a male victim was found in Washington State Park with a note shoved down his throat that read 'for Aaron Hotchner. Who's next?' which is so very icky" Garcia followed up.

"So we have a stalker turned killer who has a fascination with the BAU. Could be spree, could be serial based on when the next body appears" Prentiss trailed off.

"Well let's get him before then, huh?" Rossi chimed in. I was glaring a hole through Spencer's head but he still refused to turn around.

"Unfortunately this case is right in our own backyard, so let's get to it" Morgan shut the file in front of him and others followed suit.

"Sawyer, Hillburg, can you hang here for a second?" Hotch looked at both of us nodding in agreement. All the BAU members rose from their seats and left, with the exception of Spencer. Hotch motioned at us both to sit down and we did.

"Sawyer I wanted you here to make the call, but I'm hoping to borrow Hillburg for this case to help with interviewing both the victims' family and our own team regarding the images we've received so far" Spencer finally looked up at me when Hotch said this, his eyes were almost cold.

"Look I'm happy to detail her to your case, but she's staying in the office due to her... condition" Sawyer said, and I snapped my gaze over to him.

"I agree, the office is the safest place" Spencer said. Now I'm mad; I shot him a look, one that was far from friendly and loving... he avoided meeting my gaze again.

"Great, thanks Sawy—" Hotch began before I interrupted.

"Okay, no. Agent Hotchner, I am happy to assist you and your team, but none of you, regardless of rank get to tell me I'm too frail to go into the field. I told you about my pregnancy as a courtesy, but benching me and making decisions about me on my behalf is too far" I snapped, standing and slamming my hands onto the table. Sawyer and Hotch sent each other looks, and Spencer joined in on the exchange.

"Kid, listen it's for you and your baby's wellbeing. Things can get ugly real fast in the field and—" Sawyer started

"Alex Sawyer I swear to god, if you finish that statement I will be taking one of the three job offers I have from other departments by the end of this conversation" Now I had Spencer's attention. He looked at me in both shock and confusion, it almost looked like he felt a little betrayed. I guess being in love with a profiler had taught me how to bluff really well. The room fell silent, all three men not wanting to be the first to bite the bullet.

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