Chapter 13

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It had been two days since Spencer and I shared that perfect evening together. Sure, the night didn't end in sex, but it ended in passion between us and the knowledge of us being more than just coworkers and more than just friends.

A mass shooting occurred in the early morning of yesterday, and my division was still working through initial conversations with all of the victims. It was 7am, and determined to get an early start I was already at the office getting ready to meet with more victims. The BAU didn't have anything immediate but with this unit, their go status changes at any minute. Their lack of a case didn't stop Reid from essentially living at work, and walking past the BAU offices I noticed Spencer's bag was next to his desk covered in open files... but I didn't see him yet. I walked into my office and dropped my bag off before going into Sawyer's office to grab the next stack of paperwork from the shooting. Upon returning to my office, there was a coffee placed in the middle of my desk, and underneath the cup was a sticky note with a heart drawn on it, and in the right-hand corner I saw " - S". I turned to look for him but didn't see him anywhere, not even a lingering scent of his cologne in the air for me to savour... sneaky guy. He's resourceful too, I hadn't told him where exactly my office is, and my name still isn't on the door. I sent him a text to thank him, and I hoped that his coworkers wouldn't see these messages over his shoulder so we could keep our little secret. I took the sticky note and put it in the back of my phone case where I could always have it with me. I got back into my files and didn't notice how much time had passed until there was a gentle knock at my office door. I quickly shot my attention to the door, secretly hoping it was Spencer.

"Hey gal with my pal" Garcia was standing at my door but she didn't have any files in her arms.

"Hey Garcia! Please, have a seat" I motioned to the small couch across from my desk as she entered. "Gal with my pal? That's new"

"Well Spencer is my pal and you were with him, no? She asked me as my heart seized up a bit.

"Uhm, no, Spencer and I were just working on-"

"Oh, no no, I heard from Hotch that you took Spencer away from the scene after he had a panic attack. Handy we got the victim response crew in for that one" she chuckled slightly.

"Ha, yeah, we come in handy sometimes. What can I do for you? Is there a case you want me to look at" I asked Garcia.

"No it's a slow day so far, but I was hoping to ask you about the case y'all just finished. You don't have to tell me anything of course, but... did pretty boy give you 'the' look?" She pumped her eyebrows at her own question, I forgot that Spence told me Garcia liked some good drama.

"I think he was just listening to all of the facts of the case. You obviously know him better than I do, but I assume he was just starting to work the pieces together" I tried to dismiss her correct assumption in hopes she would drop it and move to something else.

"You sure? Cause I thought I saw you maybe return that look?" she continued to insinuate further.

"No, just merely exchanging smiles. It was new for both your team and mine to collaborate. Just trying to be friendly".

"Well it takes a brave lady to get in a car Spencer is driving, I won't lie about that" She scoffed as I could feel myself blush a little and I prayed she didn't notice.

"Didn't know any better I guess. I'll remember that for next time. Was there anything else I could answer for you?" I ask with a slight laugh, not trying to make her leave but any topic other than him would help.

"Actually, I was worried about Spencer after that case... I don't think I've ever seen him like that before and I don't know if he's okay" she said softly.

"Well it isn't my story to tell, but I've heard you two are close?"

"Yes, he's one of my best friends. I know after his abduction he struggled with painkillers... I thought he was clean" She said, getting a little twinge of disappointment in her voice at the end.

"Have you talked to him about this recently?"

"I want to... but I don't know how" Garcia looks down at the floor, fiddling with her hands.

"Well, if I had a good friend worried about me, or just wanting to know if I was doing okay, I would probably tell them that I care about them a lot and ask how they've been lately. Sometimes when something is bothering someone, just having a friend reach out to say they care can help them open up" I say. "Spencer is a kind soul, and maybe just letting him know you're there if he wants can help strengthen your friendship, even if there's nothing wrong". Garcia looks up at me, her orange glittery glasses highlighting the sparkle in her own eyes.

"That's really good wording, I'm going to steal that from you! Thanks, Charlotte" she says starting to get up, "and hey, for what it's worth... Spencer doesn't look at anyone the way he looked at you during the case. Don't be a stranger, swing by the BAU whenever!" she says as she leaves my office, making me blush a little more.

I picked up my phone to text him, my mind filled with memories of his warm touch and soft lips against mine.

Me: Have a great day, handsome

Spencer: It would be a better day if I got to see your beautiful face

Me: Maybe I'll have to swing by to ask for your expertise on something then ;)

Anyone walking past my office would see me smiling like an idiot, but I didn't care right now. All I could think about, all the memories I could conjure of him were flooding my senses like high tide, and if we weren't at work right now I would do anything to have my hands all over him. 

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