Chapter 19**

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Four hours had passed but it felt like it had only been four minutes; time with Spencer, no matter how long I spend with him, always feels too short. We were sitting on my couch, I had poured us another glass of white wine and we were talking about anything and everything, laughing at each others' stories.

"So, I have a question for you that you absolutely don't need to answer if you don't want to" I said, his thumb rubbing circles on my hand that's interlaced with his.

"That sounds intriguing" Spencer leans forward, slightly biting his bottom lip and taking another sip of wine.

"How many relationships have you been in? Like, romantically?" I felt shy asking this question, I didn't want him to think I was trying to pry into his personal life. I look at him and see his eyes darting across the room the way he does when he's thinking.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily count some, as it was merely flirting and me being led on. I guess I've only ever had passing moments of infatuation as opposed to what I feel with you" he says, the corners of his lips pulling into a soft smile. "Have you had many romantic relationships?"

"No. I dated this guy for a bit in college, but he ended up being a real asshole in the end. I got away while I still could and figured I'm better off alone... that is until I met you. I can't really explain what changed then, but I'm open to the idea of something" I replied quietly as he set his wine glass down. He leaned in and kissed me slowly, "will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered between kisses, causing the butterflies in my stomach to flutter again. I leaned back to look into his stunning hazel, puppy dog eyes, as though he was pleading me to be his forever.

"Nothing would make me happier" I pulled him in by the back of the neck, kissing him passionately. In the quick parting between lips for gasps of air, I whispered, "but seeing your shirt on my bedroom floor would also make me inexplicably happy". He let out a slight whimper at this remark, and without saying another word he slipped his arm behind my back, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me towards my bedroom, kissing me down my neck and making me even more aroused. He gently laid me down on my bed, standing overtop of me his eyes wandered up and down my body, I could see he was aroused too.

"Is this okay?" He asked quietly before proceeding

"Yes, Dr. Reid" I said pulling him back down towards me, starting to unbutton his shirt. He crawled up onto the bed, and I pulled his shirt off as he did the same to me, taking a moment to look me up and down.

"You're so beautiful" the softness in his voice sent shivers down my spine. As I pull him back down towards me, I flip our position so I'm now on top of him, and I can feel his hardness beneath my warm center. I start kissing down his neck and collarbone, I can hear him moan in pleasure as I suckle at his buttery soft skin. I feel him start slowly bucking his hips against mine as I reach down and undo his belt to take off his pants and my skirt, mounting him again to grind against his dick. He flips me onto my back and as he positions himself above me, he smashes his lips into mine, pulling me deeper into him by the back of the neck. As he kisses me, he slips his fingers into my underwear, sliding them down my legs and onto the floor. He starts kissing down my body as he pushes my legs open, moving further down until his mouth finds my clit.

"Fuck, Spence-" I moan as my hands begin to play with his perfect hair, as his tongue dances in circles around my clit. My legs begin to shake, and my center is dripping for him. "I need you so bad" I plead, as he comes back up to kiss me. I can taste myself on him as I slip off his boxers and run my hand along his length, sliding my thumb over the glistening tip and making him groan. He lays beside me, propping his head up with his arm and kissing me as I move my hand up and down.

Who would have known the shy and quiet doctor was so big, I thought to myself as I felt him start to shake in pleasure. I climbed on top of him and slowly lowered myself onto his dick, moaning as he entered me. He thrust slowly as I kissed down the side of his neck, his breathing becoming shaky in a good way.

"God, you feel so good" he groaned as he brought his hands to my hips, guiding me up and down as I rode him. He was hitting all the right spots, making me feel pleasure I'd never felt before. He sits up, pulling me down further onto him by my thighs; secretly, I hope his grip left bruises on my thighs. He starts moving faster, both of us gasping for breath and moaning as I inched closer and closer to cumming. He felt so fucking good.

"Don't stop, god don't stop" I pleaded as he lightly pulled my hair with one hand while cradling the small of my back with his other.

He throws his head back and I feel his muscles tense as he moans my name – I can tell he's as close as I am. He flips me onto my back and starts fucking me faster, harder... holy fuck this feels better than I ever could have imagined. I dig my nails into his back as he cums, and I finish not too long after his hand wanders down to rub my clit while he thrusts.

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