Chapter 23

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"Morning, nice to have you back with us" JJ said as I walked up to the jet on the tarmac.

"Morning! Happy to help, watching you guys work is truly quite special" I replied as we climbed the steps of the jet. Sitting around the table of the jet were Prentiss, Morgan, Hotch, and Rossi, JJ was taking her seat at the window across from the table, and Spencer was sitting on the couch reading some book in Russian. I took the empty window seat across the couch from Reid and stuffed my bag into the overhead compartment.

"Good morning Charlotte" Reid said playfully while barely looking up from his book.

"Reid, nice to see you" I returned before turning around to see Hotch walking over to me.

"Charlotte, it's nice to have you joining us again. I suspect Sawyer told you we would be doing the briefing on the plane?"

"Yes sir, he did mention that. Thank you again for inviting me into the case" I said with a smile before we both found our seats and prepped for take-off.

Once we were in the air, Garcia called in and delivered the information about the case we were off to. Kidnappings and missing children fitting the profile of a serial killer that had gone dormant. The team already pulled out the old profile and began to deconstruct and reconstruct their thoughts based on the scenes. My job was simply to talk to the families and work with them through this process. JJ was assigned to come with me to talk with the families and help in cognitive interviewing so we could better understand what happened directly before their child went missing; Reid and Morgan were going to the police station, Prentiss and Rossi were off to the last known dump site, and Hotch was bouncing between all three teams. We had an hour before we landed in Seattle, and I had made myself comfortable against the window, watching the sun creep higher and higher into the sky. My phone buzzing pulled me back to reality as I looked at the new text message.

Reid: You're so fucking hot. It's taking so much restraint to not come over there and kiss you right now.

Me: You know I wouldn't reject your advances, doctor.

We were both smiling like idiots as we texted back and forth, I could hear Rossi, JJ, and Prentiss talking quietly to themselves up at the table.

"I've got $10 on Reid and Hillburg being more than just coworkers" Rossi mumbled.

"I'll raise you $20 and say they've hooked up at least once" Prentiss replied. As Morgan walked past the table, he leaned down and quietly said "I'll bet my next paycheque that pretty boy over there is in a relationship with her... and she's aware that they're in this relationship" as he walked off, all heads at the table followed Morgan as we walked to the back of the plane for coffee.

We got off the plane and headed straight to work. JJ drove us to the first family's home, and I sat quietly in the passenger seat reading through the file we had.

"So Charlotte, tell me more about you. I feel like I haven't had the chance to know you outside of your role in the FBI" JJ looked over at me smiling.

"There's not much to know. I'm pretty ordinary, I work too much and the time I do have off is filled with reading or watching whatever is on TV as I fall asleep". All of this was true, I wasn't an interesting person, but I could feel she was looking for more.

"Got any pets?" JJ pressed on.

"Nope, just some succulents I'm failing at keeping alive" I laughed.

"What about a boyfriend? You must have someone special in your life" she said in a singsong-y way like a young girl on the playground. There it is, what she actually wanted to talk about. I took a deep breath and tried to control my response as best as possible; after all, she spends 40+ hours a week with profilers.

"Uh, yeah I guess I do... it's pretty new so I don't want to jinx anything here. We're just— having fun spending time together — the limited time I have, that is" I could feel myself blushing as I tried so hard to hide the smile that creeps across my face every single time I think of Reid.

"He must be quite special. How'd you meet?" She asked.

"Right place, right time I guess you could say", I fiddled with my hands as I tried to give her as little information as possible.

"You should bring him to the next dinner or bar night the team does. After all, you're working cases with us so you're an honourary team member" JJ looked over, smiling at me as we waited for the light to change colours.

"I didn't know you guys did stuff like that, that sounds like a lot of fun! Oh, how's your little guy doing? It's Henry, right?" I asked, trying to change the subject before she could ask more questions I would need to dance around.

"He's doing great, it's always hard leaving him to come out and work cases with kids — my head and heart are always partially with him during these cases" she said as she concentrated on the directions.

"I imagine it must be very difficult when these cases come up. Granted I don't really know you outside of work, but I just know that you're a fabulous mom. He's a lucky little guy".

We arrived at the location and completed the interview; the things this family has been subjected to is just horrific. Hearing their story hit me harder than I thought it would, usually I don't get too affected but this one just sat like a rock in the pit of my stomach. It had been a few hours and JJ and I had done interviews with a few other victims' families before heading back to the station. We met up with the team and put together the profile, which the team delivered as I talked to the most recent victim's family.

"Okay everyone, it's past eleven at night and we'll all think better when we've slept. We know the timeline and despite the acceleration, there shouldn't be another victim for three more days and by then we'll have this scumbag. Get back to the hotel and have a good sleep, I'll see you all in the morning at 8am" Hotch dismissed us and we all tiredly trudged out of the station, piling into three SUVs and heading back to the hotel. As we arrived at the hotel, I felt my phone

buzzing in my blazer pocket.

Reid: hey, are you okay? You seemed a little off back at the station.

Me: yeah I'm fine. Thanks, Reid.

We checked in and I had just finished changing into sweats and removing my makeup when there was a knock at my door. I opened the door to see Reid standing there, hands in his pockets but still in most of his work clothes (minus the tie, badge and gun).

"Reid, I thought you would've crashed by now, come in" I said softly to make sure JJ and Prentiss in the neighbouring rooms couldn't hear me. He hesitated before I saw him lick his lips and feverishly take me, pushing me up against the wall as he closed the door behind him, kissing me with such hunger that you'd think he'd been starved for days. My hands found his hair and I played with his perfect curls as I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

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