Chapter 30

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As Reid broke the news that a new victim had just been discovered, all I could hear was the ringing in my ears as my head began to spin. I felt like I was about to throw up, while also feeling like all the heat had drained from my body along with my soul.

This couldn't be happening. It's just a nightmare, wake up. This isn't real...

I was pulled back to consciousness as a searing pain stabbed through my palm, followed by a warm feeling running off my fingertips.

"Charlotte, oh my god" Reid flew across the room, taking off his tie and grabbing my hand. It wasn't until I looked down that I realized I had shattered the water glass in my hand, shards of glass mixing with bright red blood that dripped off of my fingers and started to form a pool at my feet. Despite feeling the initial pain, I felt nothing now. As Spencer wrapped his tie around the wound to stop the bleeding, I could see his lips moving as though he was talking to me... but I couldn't hear anything he was saying; I felt like I wasn't even there anymore like it was all just a long nightmare. Slowly my vision started to blur, followed by a void of nothing; the last thing I remember seeing was Spencer's eyes filled with fear as he appeared to be yelling out to someone else, and then blackness.

Walking through the doorway of my childhood home, I was greeted by Jasmine sitting at the breakfast bar, giggling at something on her phone.

"Charlotte — what are you doing here?" She asked me, a look of concern on her face.

"Jazz?" I gasped and ran to her, hugging her with everything I had. I could feel her warmth against me, her steady heartbeat and sweet smell overtaking me.

"Char... I've missed you so much. I'm so so proud of everything you're doing. But... you shouldn't be here. Not yet, not now" she said as she broke the hug and looked me in the eyes, tears forming in hers and mine.

"I miss you, Jazz; so much" I stammer as tears roll down my cheek.

"I know, I miss you too. But it's not time yet; you have so much left to do; happiness and memories, kids and marriage to that handsome genius you've managed to snag... more to accomplish. Things I didn't get to do or see" she said as her hand cupped my cheek, wiping away my tears.

"It's so hard without you. You deserved all of these things too" I sobbed, looking at my beautiful sister.

"Live them for me then. And when it's time, I'll be here. But Char — you've got so much more time. You can come and visit me you know. Mom and I, we'd like that but we also understand why you haven't. It's okay Char. Now, go tell my story, catch this fucking bastard, and live the life we both deserve". Jasmine walked me to the front door of the house, squeezing my hand as she tried to usher me through the door.

"Wait — you promise you'll wait for me?" I asked her, afraid I would never see her again.

"I'm always with you, and I'll always be right here" she let go of my hand, and while I hesitated and took a final look, I left the house; falling back into a dark void.

A faint, steady beeping mixed with the ringing in my ears filled the room. I kept my eyes closed for a little longer, desperate to keep the image of Jasmine in my mind. My mouth was dry and my body felt heavy. As I opened my eyes I was met with a blinding light above me; my eyes adjusted as I looked around the room to see I was in an emergency room treatment bay, hooked up to various machines. My hand was wrapped in thick gauze, an IV in my other hand. I could see Spencer on his phone standing in the corner of the room right where the curtain is drawn to, providing a mediocre sense of privacy from the hospital hallways. He turned around to move over to the chair in the corner of the room, and noticing I was awake he immediately rushed over and pocketed his phone.

Unbroken Souls (Spencer Reid x Reader POV)Where stories live. Discover now