Chapter 33

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I had taken an extra few days off to fully move into Spencer's apartment before returning to work, but all good things must end and back to work it was for the both of us. I had quite a bit of catch-up to do after having been away so long, whereas Spencer just jumped right back in as though he hadn't been away at all. He would come to my office every now and then with a coffee or some form of snack he knew I liked, and we would always take lunch at the same time. Today we opted to have lunch with the BAU crew in their breakroom, which was way nicer than the victim services breakroom. Through the glass door, I could see the team gathered around a table, Spencer clearly in the middle of one of his factual rambles that I loved so much; Morgan looked bored while Garcia, JJ and Rossi listened intently. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him... and to know that I get to go home with him each day was truly the best feeling. Clearly, he had caught a glance of me watching in admiration, as I saw his cheeks flush ever so slightly and he appeared to be stumbling over his words now. It didn't matter how many times I saw him, I still get butterflies each time.

Walking into the breakroom I was greeted by everyone, Garcia jumping up to hug me as per usual, and Spencer standing up to come kiss me. Once I settled in the lively conversation resumed; despite their shared work this team is incredibly good at not talking about work when they're on breaks or off time, something I kind of wish I was better at doing.

"JJ, how's Henry doing?" I asked, JJ looking up and smiling right away. She truly was such an incredible mom and seeing her gush about her little boy filled my heart with joy.

"Oh, he's doing just great! Here's a picture of what he drew the other day at school" she said passing me her phone to reveal Henry holding up a picture drawn in crayon. On the paper was each member of the BAU in superhero costumes, with Henry and Spencer front and center.

"That is just the cutest thing I've ever seen, oh my god" I said with a huge smile, handing her phone back to her. I looked up to see Spencer had the same expression except he was staring at me instead of the picture.

"Will and I were hoping to go out tonight but our babysitter just cancelled, so I guess I get to watch more cartoons tonight" JJ giggled in a defeated way. She and Will barely got any time together and before I even formulated the thought I had already said "Spence and I aren't doing anything tonight".

"No no, I really couldn't ask you guys to watch Henry just so Will and I–"

"You know it's been a while since I've done experiments with my godson in your kitchen" Spence jumped in to cut JJ off.

"I know, I'm still scraping elephant toothpaste off of my kitchen ceiling" JJ lightly punched Reid in the bicep, causing him to playfully grab his arm as though it hurt.

"You two go and have a great time, I'll make sure the boys don't make any major messes" I smiled at Reid and JJ.

"Are you sure you don't mind babysitting two children?" JJ asked me, smirking over at Reid who tried his best to look offended at the joke.

"I'm sure! What time do you want us there?" I laughed, taking Spencer's hand in mine.

"5:00?" JJ asked and Spencer agreed.

The rest of the workday was pretty uneventful, with lots of paperwork on my end. Before I left the BAU offices though I pulled Spencer aside to make sure I didn't overstep. He just pulled me close and kissed me softly before he said "not at all, I was actually hoping to have you meet Henry soon". We made a quick stop at home to change from office attire to casual before heading out to JJ's, ultimately arriving just before 5pm. As we walked up to the door, Reid had such a giddy energy to him. I laughed slightly and he turned to face me.

"What's so funny?" He scoffed with a smile.

"I love seeing you so excited and happy, it's rare for you and truthfully it fills me with joy and admiration. You're just cute, okay?" I smiled as I pulled him into a kiss before we knocked on the front door.

JJ opened the door and before she could even greet us, Henry ran past her with his arms wide open, screaming "uncle Spencer!" while Reid crouched to scoop Henry up into a hug. Spencer introduced me to Henry who was already talking about all the fun things he wanted to do together tonight, and JJ told me to just help ourselves to whatever we wanted followed by a million thanks for relieving them from parenting duty for a bit. They finally left and Spencer was already sitting on the floor with Henry, playing with Lego. My heart did cartwheels in my chest seeing Spencer with Henry. Memories of the dreams I have of Spencer and I's future life together came flooding into my mind and I couldn't help but melt at the idea. It didn't take me long to realize that I wanted to have kids with him; little baby geniuses with his gorgeous curly hair, piercing hazel eyes, and deep compassion. Watching these two play caused visions of weddings, homemaking, and raising kids together flash through my mind; I was yearning for a future that my 17-year-old self didn't even think was remotely possible.

It had been a few hours of playing, science experiments, and watching Spencer and Henry recreate Jurassic Park with their dinosaur-shaped nuggets. We had finally gotten Henry to fall asleep and we were curled up on JJ's couch. My head was nestled in the crook of his neck, his arm around my shoulders while his thumb drew small circles on my bicep.

"Do you ever think about what it might be like if we—" I started to ask before he quickly cut me off, abruptly answering with "all the time".

"You don't even know what I was going to ask!" I look up to him with a grin on my face. Sometimes I forget this man is a profiler... and a genius.

"Hmm... I'm pretty certain I know where your brain is at" he smirked back at me, his hand dropping to my chin as he guided us into a gentle kiss.

"Okay, so why don't you tell me what you think about 'all the time' then, and I guess we will see if you are in fact, correct" I smiled while keeping our heads together as if this would help us share the same thought.

"Challenge accepted. I would start by saying that you are probably starting to experience the psychological phenomenon known as 'baby fever', or the sudden, visceral, and almost irresistible urge to have a child of your own. From there, I can extract based on the way your attention focuses on specific actions such as homemaking when you moved in, or how parents interact with their children that you are experiencing the fantasies of the life you want within the next few years. How am I doing so far?" he tightened his grip on me, a shit-eating grin creeping across his face as he asks me the rhetorical question knowing damn well he got it right.

"Stop it" I said with the biggest smile on my face, sinking deeper into his grip. "You're going to tell me that you haven't experienced this at all recently?" I looked up to meet his gaze, seeing that my question had made his eyes light up a little bit more. He licked his lips and went to start to answer before he closed his mouth again and kissed me instead. Spence does this when he's keeping something from me, usually some form of surprise or information that he isn't quite ready to invite me in on yet. Despite the fact that I hate surprises, I loved when this occurred... it told me more about him than I think he realized and it was the only kind of unknown I felt safe with.

JJ and Will returned about an hour later and Spencer and I left shortly after. The drive home was quiet, his hand never leaving my thigh. Just before falling asleep, I felt him tighten his embrace on me and kiss the back of my head before he whispered "You have changed the way I exist... before falling in love with you I truly didn't know how to conceptualize what my future would look like; now, it feels like I've finally solved an unsolvable equation. I love you more than I ever knew was possible". I tried to keep him from feeling me smile so he would continue to think I was asleep, and I let myself sink deeper into the safety of his arms as I fell asleep. 


A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read and voted!! I really hope you're liking the story! Pls feel free to leave comments and vote if you're enjoying the fic. 

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