Chapter 50

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It was April 28th, and I was sitting in Penelope's office waiting for the rest of the BAU team to land. They were coming back from a case in San José that was riddled with satanism, religious motive, and spiritualism. The team was so busy that I barely got to talk with Spencer while he was away, and the case had taken them over four straight days. When I talked to Spence before they took off to return to Virginia, he sounded exhausted. There is a specific way that he stumbles over his words when his brain is tired from the amount of work he's been doing. I missed him terribly, and selfishly I was really looking forward to May 1st when his leave started. My eagerness to see him resulted in getting an Uber to the office to await his arrival with Penelope.

"So I have to ask, are you scared?" Penelope asked as she put down an octopus mug of herbal tea. I giggled at the sight of the mug before looking back at her confused. "About, yknow, actually physically having my godchild?" She sat down, sipping out of her unicorn mug.

"I— uh— yeah I guess, more so just the act of physically getting this child out of me. But I truly can't wait to see Spence be a dad. He's already so amazing and I just really can't wait to see how he changes when this baby arrives" I smiled, putting a hand on my belly as the baby moved and kicked in response. "Also, we haven't picked godparents yet" I smirked to her.

"Oh please, it's a no-brainer" she joked, sipping from her mug again. I let silence fall between us, smiling as I felt the baby start to move around.

"Did you know Spencer has a stash of jello cups hidden in his desk?" I smirked at Penelope, and she returned the look knowing exactly what to do. She quickly disappeared and returned a moment later with two spoons and two jello cups from Spencer's drawer under his files.

"Cherry, or lime?" She asked me, holding both out in my direction.

"Oh definitely cherry. And if he asks, you didn't learn this from me" I laughed as I opened the container.

We continued to joke around and talk about nothing that mattered when we heard the sound of voices filling the bullpen.

"They're back!" She said excitedly as we both put our mugs and Jello down.

"Pen, I'm gonna need you to help me up from this chair" I sighed as I tried but failed to get up.

"Come here you beautiful baby mama" she said as she offered me her hands and pulled me to my feet. I grabbed the last of my jello cup to finish on the way and waddled behind her out of her cave into the bullpen; the team looked exhausted as they put their bags down.

"Wow, you all look like you need a week of sleep and caffeine" I said, causing the team to all look towards me, Spencer happily shocked to see me standing there.

"Char, what are you two doing here?!" He said quickly coming up to kiss me.

"I wanted to see you. We missed you" I rubbed my belly, kissed him again, and then looked over his shoulder to look at the rest of the team before continuing "all of you".

"Is that my jello?" Spencer asked, pointing to the cup in my hand and the one in Penelope's hand.

"The baby wanted it" I gave him puppy eyes and watched his annoyed expression soften ever so slightly.

"What's Garcia's excuse?" He turned to her.

"Families eat together, Reid. And what baby mama wants is what she gets" Garcia shot back as she finished the jello.

I greeted the rest of the team, and they all exchanged the fake niceties of telling me I looked great, despite feeling like a beached whale. Spencer led me to a chair and I found my seat at his desk, talking with the team and listening to their stories from the week.

"I know I've seen it happen in front of my eyes, but it's like freaky cool how you guys take the slightest detail and— woah—" I was cut off by a sharp pain, everyone immediately looking concerned as Spencer dropped down beside me.

"You okay? What was it?"

"It's fine, just Braxton Hicks. It's been happening all day. This one was ju— holy shit—" I sharply inhaled and grabbed Spencer's hand as another wave passed through, when the pain passed I looked to Aaron "sorry sir, please excuse my language".

"Don't worry about that, you get a pass on everything right now. You're making a human" Hotch replied.

"Women are fucking incredible. You're welcome, men" Emily said as she nudged JJ's shoulder.

"Let's get you home, it's getting late. You didn't drive here did you?" Spencer asked me as he went to help me to my feet.

"Reid I couldn't fit behind the steering wheel if I wanted to. I took an Uber here". I got up to my feet and JJ handed Spencer his bag so we could get going. We said our goodbyes and just before turning to leave, I found myself frozen in place and I looked down, mortified.

"AH! BABY! It's HAPPENING!" Penelope got all excited and started jumping as she also saw that my water had just broken. I looked at Spence, terror flashing through my eyes.

"No, it's not time yet, it's early. And you haven't slept in so long, it's not fair, this can't be happenin—"

"Char, it's happening. It's only a few days early, this happens all the time. Don't worry about me, we have a baby to bring into the world" Spence put his hands on my shoulders, comforting me as I started to get overwhelmed with the fear that this is now happening. The team all started scurrying, offering to go to our house and get the hospital bags, offering to drive us to the hospital, Hotchner even offering to use the lights and sirens to get us to the hospital quickly.

Derek agreed to drive us while Emily and Penelope went to the house to get some things for us. In the back of the SUV, Spence held my hand and brushed my hair out of my face, timing the duration between contractions. Ten blocks away, 6 minutes apart. Traffic was unusually heavy thanks to a collision on the interstate.

"How we doing back there, kid?" Derek looked at Spence in the rearview mirror.

"Great, not urgent, only 6 minutes apart" he replied.

"Great? I feel like I'm going to explod— fuck!" I winced as another wave hit.

"They're getting closer together, that was only four and a half minutes" Spencer's free hand was rubbing circles on my back while I nearly crushed his other hand in mine.

"You're doing really great Cha-"

"Shut up. I love you so much but this feels worse than getting shot" I said between breaths, trying to ride out the pain as Derek laughed in the front.

"I've been shot twice and while I don't know the—"

"Reid, be quiet" Derek tried to help him before he dug himself deeper.

Another wave of contractions hit and the pain with each one got worse.

"Morgan, drive faster!" Spencer yelled from the back seat.

"I can't drive through the traffic, Reid!" He called back and Spencer undid his seatbelt, reaching forward and flipping on the lights and siren of the SUV despite Derek trying to fight his hand off.

"Spen—" I could only get so much out before the pain came again. "Do not let me have this baby in this SUV, promi—" I grabbed his hand again, and despite his best efforts I heard him wince ever so slightly as I gripped harder than I ever have and let out a cry.

After what felt like a lifetime, Morgan finally parked the car in front of the emergency room doors and helped Reid get me out of the car and into the hospital, where we were quickly checked in and whisked off to the labour and delivery wing.

"Good luck, kids" Derek called out to us as a nurse wheeled me off and Spencer stayed at my side. 

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