Chapter 39

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Spencer and I drove to work separately today; he was called in earlier and it was looking like he was going to be flying out to California for a case while I stayed here. I was still an emotional wreck but pressed on at work. Before I left the house today a wave of nausea hit me out of nowhere. I decided to make a quick stop at a pharmacy and call my doctor... I think I knew what was wrong but I had to be completely sure. Just as I was getting to work, the BAU team was leaving. I passed Spence in the hallway, stopping him to give him a kiss before he left.

"Please, be safe. Don't do anything stupid. I love you" I kissed him again and he brushed my hair behind my ear.

"I will be, I won't do anything stupid, and I love you more than anything. I'll text you when we land". He gave me a quick hug before leaving, and I watched the elevator doors close.

My days always start the same. Log in, check emails, roundtable with the team, and divide the new cases. I had asked Sawyer if I could ride the desk today and he obliged, handing me three new case files to go through. I retreated to my office, setting down my bags and taking a moment to water my plant that I keep forgetting about. Before turning on my monitor I couldn't help but stare at the new picture frame I had added to my desk. Inside the sleek, black frame was a picture I had snapped one night when Spence and I were making dinner and dancing in the kitchen. He was hugging me tightly from behind, kissing my cheek, and both of us were smiling and happy. Being with him was like the kind of fairytale happiness you see in movies and tv shows; the kind of love you convince yourself is fake and doesn't exist... something I believed firmly in until I met him. Even just thinking about him and looking at this captured memory brings the biggest smile to my face, and a feeling of security to me as I start the day.

I put the frame down and started working through the first file, entering the information into our system before they came in to meet with us later today. I was pulled out of my train of thought by my doctor's office calling me. I explained what was going on and mentioned I had an idea of what it could be, but I needed to be sure. With this information, she wanted me to get bloodwork done so she set a quick appointment for 2:15 this afternoon, meaning I could have the results by tomorrow night. I turned my attention back to work, hoping to get so absorbed in the tasks that the time would fly by. Sure enough, that's exactly what happened; I only really took my attention away from my screen to answer phone calls and run files back and forth to my teammates who were meeting with these clients this afternoon. After a while my appointment time rolled around and I was able to quickly pop in and out of the office, making one quick stop for a bag of dill pickle chips before returning to work. As I walked back up to my office, my cell rang.

"Hey, how was the flight?" I answered the phone quickly, I couldn't wait to hear his voice.

"It was alright. Got some preliminary pieces of the profile done, and now I'm headed out to the medical examiner's office to get the autopsy information. I know I said I would text you, but I wanted to hear your voice" he said softly; I presumed someone from the team was around him.

"I miss you already" my voice was sad; sad that I couldn't be with him right now, but I knew he was doing good work and this was all part of the man who I loved more than anything.

"I miss you too. I'm going to work day and night so I can get home to you soon. How are you?" he asked with concern.

"I'm okay. Really, I am. Staying busy with work currently and then because you aren't home I get to watch my reality tv shows and eat ice cream for dinner" I was convinced he could hear my smile through the phone.

"I just got you a new tub of ice cream, it's in the freezer at the back. Save a little for me when I get back?" he laughed slightly, I knew he was smiling too.

"No promises, doctor. Now go get this bad guy so I can snuggle with you sooner" I teased.

"I will. I love you, Charlotte Hillburg"

"I love you, Spencer Reid". We hung up the phone and I hung onto his last words for a few more seconds before diving back into work.

I ended up working a little later than I had intended, but my evening still resembled exactly what I told Spencer it would look like. He knew mint chocolate chip was my favourite, and that's exactly what he bought me. I quickly changed into sweats and one of his hoodies, grabbed my ice cream and a spoon and settled on the couch in front of the tv I brought from my apartment when I moved into his. I made sure I sent him a quick picture of what he was missing out on, not expecting him to reply knowing how busy he must be. By 10:30 I was nauseous again and felt exhausted, so I went to bed in hopes tomorrow I would be feeling better or at least have some answers.

The next day was really just a continuation of yesterday's work, and I found myself anxiously checking my phone every few minutes in hopes I would hear from Spencer or my doctor's office. It wasn't until I was packing up to leave work that I got a call from my doctor with the results. I asked her to email me a copy of the results and quickly raced home, now anxious for very different reasons. I had done three different home tests but I needed the most accurate proof before I could even think about what to do next. When I got home, I raced back to the bathroom to see it again; sitting on the counter were three different pregnancy tests, all three of them reading positive and now my bloodwork confirmed it.

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