Chapter 45

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It had been five weeks since Spence took me to visit my mom and sister, and time was passing so quickly with how busy both of our units had been. I had been busy with doing new recruit training, lots of court support for clients of the shelter massacre, and had even accompanied the BAU on two cases. Despite us both being busy, we still managed to leave work together at a decent time today which enabled us to make dinner together and for the first time in a while have a nice dinner together at our own kitchen table. We fell into our usual routine easily, both of us cleaning up after dinner, Spencer showering while I repacked our go bags, and then showering myself before we crawled into bed and spent time reading. When I finished showering today I spent a little extra time looking in the mirror. Despite spending roughly 13 weeks with severe morning sickness (which really lasted all day), my skin had never looked better. When the fog cleared off the mirror a little more my heart jumped when I saw it.

"Spencer!" I yelled out to him, still staring at myself in the mirror, only wearing my bra and underwear. I could hear him clamber off the bed as he ran to the bathroom door, his face looked panicked when he burst through.

"Char, is everything okay?" He called back to me as he came through the door, his eyes scanning me up and down.

"Look! I'm showing" I turned to face him, smiling and placing both hands on my lower belly. His eyes immediately changed from panic to admiration as his hands dropped to his sides and he strode closer to me. His gaze bounced between my stomach and my eyes before finally locking in on my eyes, tears starting to swell in his.

"Oh— oh my god" he stammered as he knelt down and ever so gently kissed the small bump forming. "I know you've been in there for almost 16 weeks now but it's— seeing you growing in there— it's just so amazing" he kisses my belly again before standing up and taking my face in both his hands, pulling me in and kissing me with excited passion. A tear of joy escaped his eye and I wiped it away with my thumb as we rested our foreheads together and he pulled me close. "You look so beautiful" he whispered before kissing me again.

A few days later we went for our 16 week ultrasound before going to work. Spencer told me all about the fetal development stages and how our baby has been developing limbs, organs, and more facial features, how they can now hear us talking and even react to light by turning away from it. He told me how our little pea has changed from a pea to plum, and now to an avocado. As much as I loved seeing our perfect baby on the ultrasound screen, I loved seeing Spencer's face fall more and more in love and excitement about being a dad as he watched the ultrasound screen. We started taking pictures of my growing bump, documenting things like cravings, symptoms, and the things we've exposed the little one to (mainly the music we play and the books we read as a family). Reid's mom had gifted us a pregnancy journal for us to keep track of all these things, and it became part of our nightly routine. I was pulled out of my happy daydreaming as Reid pulled into the parking lot of the building, and pretty quickly anxiety set in. We weren't ready to tell everyone about the news but there were only so many flowy blouses I could wear before the bump became un-hideable. So today I had a meeting with Sawyer to tell him I would be taking maternity leave, and Spencer and I had a meeting with Hotch right after.

"Hey, it's all going to be just fine. Sawyer will understand and I'm sure he will be happy. You bust your ass for him so yes the impact will be felt but he's also very clearly your biggest fan. Everything will work out" Spencer smiled at me, clearly seeing the anxiety creeping through my eyes.

We walked into the building hand in hand, his thumb rubbing small circles over the back of my hand as we walked. We wandered past the BAU offices and right to my office. I pulled him into a hug after dropping my bag on the ground, and he held me tightly. His lips met mine before he wished me luck and reassured me everything would be okay, and I watched him walk away to his office. With a deep breath in, I walked across the bullpen and lightly knocked on Sawyer's door.

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