Chapter 15

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Spencer: Good morning

Me: good morning! Have you gotten into the office yet?

Spencer: yes, I'm just getting in now. Have you been called into the case?

Me: as of right now, no. But that doesn't mean you can't ask for tips ;) I only have a few intakes this morning anyway.

It had been three minutes since he responded to my last message, I assumed he was just saying hellos and setting his bag down in his office before responding.

"How are you this beautiful?" His morning voice filled my office alongside the sweet smell of his cologne.

"Spence!" I got up from my chair to go kiss him, forgetting where we were for a moment. I stopped myself quickly, disappointed I couldn't feel his lips on my skin, and I saw him quickly scan the bullpen of my offices before pulling me into a soft yet fiery kiss that made my knees weak.

"I came here first so I could kiss you. I didn't realize how bad I needed you until I saw you again" our foreheads rested against each other for a second more before he pulled back and checked the bullpen once more to make sure we weren't seen.

"I'm the only one in at the moment, the others are out either doing emergency response, case support, or at a conference. Sawyer will be in later. This — us — is safe" I smile at him and he returns it.

"I brought you something, but wait until a little later to look at it"

"How much later?" I ask him as he hands me a file folder that feels empty.

"At least an hour" he smiled, handing me the folder. "And then tell me your thoughts" he added on, stealing a kiss from my un-expecting lips as we went to leave. As I watch him walk out the door towards the BAU, I quickly sit, my knees still feeling weak from his touch. I held the folder closely, anticipation and curiosity filling my body. I couldn't help but wonder what he brought me, but I had a strange feeling he would know if I peeked in the folder he presented me. So instead I went back to the case notes that filled my screen, updating the latest conversations I had had with previous clients. I like to check in on families and people I have worked with, let them know that someone still cares and their grief, whatever stage of grief and healing they are in, is still felt. These notes proved harder and harder to write with each passing moment as my mind would flash me images of Spence and the other evening, leaving my body aching to feel his touch again. As I tried to regain focus on the notes, the hallway filled with voices and I knew it must be the BAU heading to the jet. I quickly popped my head out of my office to watch the team walk down the hallway and to the elevators, catching a glimpse of Spencer before the doors closed, taking him further away from me. I quickly pull out my phone to text him.

Me: How long will you be gone?

Spencer: It's hard to tell, but I'll keep you updated. We're off to LA, seems like a sexual sadist serial has surfaced.

Me: Please be safe

Spencer: I will, you be safe as well.

Me: I'll miss you. When you get back, why don't I make a special dinner at my place?

Spencer: That sounds incredible; I'll see to it that we solve this case as fast as possible. I miss you already.

And just like that, he was gone. I still had a few minutes before I could read the file Spence gave me, and my imagination was swirling with excitement and fear; fear for Spencer in the field, and excitement to see what he had delivered to me. I picked up my office phone and punched in Garcia's extension, I knew she would have a bit of downtime while the team travels.

"Go for Garcia" she answered after one ring.

"Penelope, hey, it's Charlotte. Am I interrupting anything? I just saw the team leave for the jet..."

"No, it's a good time, I don't have much I can do right now anyway. What's up?" She asked me.

"I was just wondering if the case – I mean, I guess I'm kind of hoping you might be able to help me with, uh, some informat–"

"Girlie what do you need to know?" she cuts me off, clearly she knew I was struggling to figure out how to ask something.

"Can this stay exclusively between us?" I ask, and Garcia falls quiet for a minute. "Please, Garcia?"

"Yes, yeah totally. Is everything okay?" She sounded worried now. Fuck, I should've formulated the question before calling her. I took a breath before asking her what I was most worried about.

"When the team is out on a case, is Spencer usually unharmed? Like what percentage of cases has he been hurt on, in any way/shape/form?" I ask her and she pauses.

"Uh, I mean it's a dangerous line of work but for the most part he's usually untouched... I knew I was right, I knew you two had something going on" I could almost hear her smiling through the phone.

"No, it's not like that, I was just worried after the last case that maybe there's something deeper, but clearly I'm just reading into things"

"Are you confirming here that you two haven't hooked up?" she asks.

"How did your conversation with him go?" I feel my face going bright red and try to change the subject as fast as possible.

"Oh my GOD you two have definitely fu-"

"No, we haven't. He's just a really good friend" I cut her off.

"If, down the road, this turns out to be a lie, you're taking me out drinking... and you're buying" she says firmly.

"Sounds like a deal"

"Good. Let me know what day you'd like to go" she giggles as we hang up the phone.

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