Chapter 10

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Once we were back at Quantico and our reports were submitted, the dreaded closing of my time with the BAU, and Spencer, came quickly. I thanked the team for allowing me to join and told them to never hesitate to reach out or visit my office down the hall. As I walked out of the BAU division and into the hallway, I caught Spencer watching me walk away until I disappeared from sight. I went back to my apartment, walking through the door and squealing over the memories of Spencer's skin against mine and how close our bodies were. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was hopelessly in love with the man I came to know over the last few days. The thing though is that this terrified me. As much as I wanted him, I was scared of him leaving, or getting close enough to see who I really am... and not liking it. I've lived most of my life alone, truthfully I think I'm better off being alone because it keeps me from getting my heart destroyed when things inevitably fall apart. I stare down at my scar, my skin remembering the feeling of Spencer's fingertips tracing my attempted exit with nothing but care and concern. My spiralling mind is interrupted as my phone dings with a notification:

Spencer: I just wanted to say that I had a really great time with you, despite the start being rocky. I'd really like it if we could see each other again if that's something you want too. No pressure at all. I'm not great with social cues, but I felt like there were things left unsaid.

Me: I'd love to, whenever you're available.

Spencer: How's dinner tomorrow night? My place.

I fell asleep as I tried to imagine what Spencer's apartment must look like. I imagined walls of bookshelves, with old classics to textbooks and even fantasy works. I envision his place looking similar to mine in the sense of minimal clutter and looking less lived in based on the amount of time he spends at work. I toss and turn trying to think of what to say to him tomorrow, and fighting my own fears of him not feeling the same way I do. Should I tell him, or am I truly better off living out this crush until it passes? Maybe our lives aren't meant to converge but merely run in parallel tracks that never meet. But then I picture his gorgeous face; his loose curls falling perfectly against his face, those warm eyes and inviting smiles he gives. What I wouldn't do to feel his pillowy lips against mine, to run my fingers through his hair and give my body to his pleasure. I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me, and even thinking about how I'd bring him to the height of pleasure, melting our bodies together aroused me more than I anticipated.

Fuck, I wanted him so bad. Maybe I don't care about getting hurt if it were by his hands, because my god to have him in me, sharing the same air and breath in one passionate night would make it all worth it.

The next morning I woke up later than normal, noticing the clock reading 10:15am. Sawyer had given me the day off after having completed my first big case with the BAU, and now that I have an evening planned with Spencer, I get to spend extra time getting ready to look perfect for him. After getting coffee and slowly starting the day, I threw Ed Sheeran's Plus on my record player and went to do my makeup. I usually do a basic look for the office, only spending a few minutes putting on foundation, concealer, blush and some mascara, but today I wanted Spencer to see a different side of me. I went with a bold red lip and smokey eye that pulled the slight hints of green in my irises to the surface. I may not study behaviour to the same extent Reid does, but I know a red lip turns the sweet, quiet guys into the "I need you right. now." kind of guys. I section off my long brown hair that when straight falls just under my bra line, and begin to make large, loose curls that he could easily play with. I end the look by slipping into my little black dress that highlights the curves of my breasts, hips, and ass, and grab my black strappy heels to top the look. During the time I was getting ready, Spencer had texted me his address and offered to pick me up. Knowing he doesn't drive if he doesn't have to, I tell him I'll Uber over. He tells me he looks forward to seeing me, even adding a smiley face to the text which seems a little out of character (at least, out of character for the Spencer I've gotten to know at work). Call me presumptuous (I call it thinking ahead) as I throw an extra pair of lacy panties and a more casual outfit into the bottom of my purse, hiding these with my wallet, keys and phone. With that, I head towards my arriving Uber with a stomach full of butterflies as I think about what could come of tonight. 

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