Chapter 40

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By 2pm Spencer had sent me a text saying they were taking off from California, and that he would be landing back in Virginia for 7pm. This meant that I had time after work to prepare a nice dinner for him, and to find the perfect way to tell Spence that I was pregnant. My stomach flipped and turned throughout the day; I was excited and anxious to tell him... I didn't really know how he would react, I knew he wanted to be a dad, we'd talked about this but we've only been together for a year and we aren't even engaged. I ended up taking off a little early from work today, heading to the mall to pick up the things I'd need to tell him the news. Once I got home, I assembled everything in the box, at the bottom of the box was a little newborn onesie that said "baby genius", I felt it was fitting seeing as his team called him boy genius. Then I put all three positive pregnancy tests on one side and put a pacifier in the middle. I tied the box up with a silky ribbon and tucked it under the bed for now, carefully folding the blood work results and tucking them under the table. I set off to make dinner for us, taking quick breaks with each ding of my cell phone.

Spencer: just landed, dropping things at the office and will be home for 7:30.

            Me: drive safe my love, I'm making you a special dinner

Spencer: you are too good to me. I can't wait to see you again.

            Me: I miss the feeling of your lips on mine.

Spencer: trying to get me all worked up before I'm even home?

All I could send back was a winky face and then I turned back to check on the chicken in the oven before setting the table. Laying out a table cloth and lighting candles, setting our usual places, and even placing some fresh cut flowers in a vase on the table. With each passing moment, I got more anxious for his arrival. Usually, I'd have a glass of wine, but I guess that was out of the question now so I had to get creative. Spencer isn't a huge drinker which plays to my advantage, so I made us a fruity drink for fun. Just as I put the two glasses on the table, I heard his key turn in the door. I ran towards him, watching him quickly drop his bags and open his arms wide to catch me. I nearly lept into his arms and he held me tightly, spinning me around before putting me back on my feet, taking my face in both his hands and kissing me.

"I missed you so much" he said softly before kissing me again.

"I missed you more" I smiled, pressing my lips against his and pulling him in closer for another hug. Even though he had just come from three days straight of work, he still smelled like sandalwood and linen. I buried my face in his chest, taking another deep inhale; he was home, and everything felt better.

"So, how was the case?" I asked as I led him by the hand into the dining area just off the end of the kitchen.

"He'll never see the light of day again" he paused, looking at the table and back to me. "Wow, Char this is... everything smells incredible and looks–" he trailed off, smiling before leaning in to kiss my cheek. He may never admit it, but it's clear that these kinds of things have never been done for him, and that they made his heart cartwheel around his chest like an excited little kid.

"I hope you're hungry" I led him to the table to sit before I grabbed our plates from the kitchen, laying them on the table and sitting across from him.

"Haven't eaten non-vending machine things since yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I am already loving every second of this, but you didn't have to go to so much trouble for me"

"I wanted to. Everything that happened before you left– I just wanted– you deserve good things Spencer, and I wanted to do something special" I let my eyes fall to the table in hopes he wouldn't see all the emotions in my eyes. I felt him take my hand and softly raise it to his lips, kissing my hand ever so delicately.

"As long as I have you, I have everything I could ever need and then some. How'd I ever get so lucky?".

We talked about what work had both doing over the last few days, exchanging small anecdotes and truly just enjoying each others' company. When we had finished dinner I cleared the table before sitting back down and taking both of his hands in mine. My heart was pounding so hard that I was convinced he could hear it from where he sat. We stared into each other's eyes, both smiling while I fought off every ounce of anxiety about what I was about to tell him. Eventually, my face gave me up and I saw his expression change as he read the emotions creeping across my eyes.

"Char, is everything okay?" he was growing more concerned now.

"Yeah, I think so" I nodded my head and tried to keep a smile, but truthfully I was terrified. I had no idea how he would take this.

"Honestly baby, everything was so perfect tonight, you really didn't need to do any of this" he paused, trying to pick up on the microexpressions. "You're holding something back, I can see it".

I squeezed both of his hands before getting up from the table, going to the bedroom to get the box. He watched me walk away and return with the box in my hands, and his expression shifted from worry to confusion.

"You're right, as usual. I was holding something back" I said as I handed him the box and sat back down. "Open it" I smiled at him, and he quietly and slowly pulled the ribbon off the box, looking back into my eyes before he took the lid off. I don't know if my brain just blacked out or if I was so petrified of what might happen that I just didn't see his reaction until he looked up, but I knew that tears were pricking at my eyes.

"Char– you're– are you–" He stumbled across his words as he carefully examined the contents of the box. I pulled out the bloodwork results and handed him the paper. His eyes carefully trailed down the results, landing on the elevated HCG levels that proved I was in fact pregnant.

"I thought you would say that home tests aren't always accurate... I had to be sure" I said quietly. He stood up, clutching the paper and turned away from the table. Fuck. Is he mad? Unhappy? All of this was a huge mistake, what if I just ruined everything? Is this when he leaves? Shit shit shit.

"Spence..." I stood up and slowly moved to him, raising my shaking hand to touch his arm in an effort to comfort him. He turned around to face me, his eyes swelling with tears. His eyes wandered over my face and landed on my stomach before he looked back up at me, the most beautifully excited smile spreading across his face as a tear escaped his eye. He swooped me up in a tight hug and spun me around again, giggling and murmuring 'oh my god's through his smile.

"Wait, wait" he said putting me down but keeping his hands on my hips. "Are you happy about this? I know you said you never really saw yourself having–" I cut him off with a kiss, pulling him in closer by the back of his neck.

"Truthfully, I was most scared that you would be unhappy about this. It's definitely going to be a big change, but if you're happy–"

"Char... I'm going to be a dad!" his face flooded with excitement and love, I genuinely have never seen him happier and this filled my heart. I didn't know it was possible to love him even more than I already do, but as I stood here in his arms, gently wiping the tears of joy from his face, my love grew even deeper. "I've never been happier" he said as his right hand gently found its place over my lower stomach. He looked back up at me and I could see the gears turning in that brilliant brain of his. "How far along?" he asked softly as I could see him still searching his memory for when this could have happened.

"About six weeks. Remember the night after the Shakespeare Library? I think then... but I'm not 100% sure" I put my hand on his cheek and smiled.

"That was a really good night, wasn't it?" he smirked and kissed me. When we broke the kiss, he stayed close and held me tightly, resting our foreheads against one another. "I can't believe it" he whispered.

"You're going to be a dad, Spencer. We're having a baby" I said quietly with a smile, now the tears were coming from my eyes. He closed the space between us, kissing me softly and slowly at the start but growing deeper and hungrier as time moved on.

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