Chapter 17

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I had spent the last two nights deep cleaning and organizing my apartment, making sure everything was perfect for when Spencer gets back and comes over. The bookshelves were organized by colour and size, leaving a beautiful rainbow display of various works of fiction, classics, and self-help/textbooks. Taking a quick glance at my shelves, you could easily tell which books I had read the most, and the ones I commonly used for work purposes based on the amount of stickies protruding from the pages. The spines were well-worn on my beloved books, and the books I have only ever read once looked nearly brand new. My other shelf was full of my records and little trinkets I've collected over the years, alongside some framed pictures from my childhood. I left my apartment in a rush this morning as I had heard the team was arriving back to Quantico by 9:30am. I wanted to be there for when the team got back so I could casually swing by and see how it went while also dropping off my note for Spencer. Despite my rush out the door, I made sure that my outfit was professional yet revealing enough that Spencer would definitely look for longer than he needed to. I grabbed the file folder from my office and headed over to the BAU bullpen to chat with Garcia and wait for the team to arrive.

"So another case in the books for you and the crew I hear?" I ask her as I walk into the bullpen, her having just grabbed a cup of coffee.

"It's what we do best! And aren't we looking professionally slutty today?" she smirks at me and I can feel my face going red.

"Oh please, it's an old top. Reminds me of my glory days, if you will" I reply. From behind me comes a growing noise of conversation filling the office as the team walks through the door. I turn to see them walk through, all of them looking exhausted.

"Ms. Hillburg, nice to see you again" Hotch approaches to shake my hand, shuffling his go bag into his other hand in order to do so.

"I hear the case ended as well as possible, sir. Admirable work from you and your team yet again" I shake his hand as Morgan walks past, doing a double take at my outfit. From the corner of my eye, I see Garcia lightly slap his bicep as he breaks his gaze.

"Charlotte" his sweet voice fills the air and I have to fight every urge not to go hug Spencer as he approached, putting his go bag at his desk.

"Good morning, Dr. Reid. Congratulations on another job well done. I imagine you must be tired so I don't want to take much of your time, but I came by as I made a few amendments to the last case we worked. Figured you might want to take a look. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on it" I bite the inside of my cheek to stop from smiling as I hand him the file folder containing the note.

"Thank you, I will take a look right away" he takes the file from me, and I turn to say goodbye to the team as I head back to my office. I can almost feel Reid's eyes watching me walk away, and I wave to him once more as I pass out of sight.

Between the BAU offices and the Victim Services branch is an interviewing room that both of our teams share. The door from the rooms to the hallway was open as I was walking back to my office; out of habit, I went to close the door when I saw Garcia and Morgan in one of the rooms through the one-way glass. Curiosity got the better of me and I stepped into the control room to eavesdrop, fighting off the moral compass telling me to mind my business.

"I've never seen him check his phone so much, he almost looked disappointed when there was nothing there. I asked him about it and he just changed the subject" Morgan was speaking quietly, as though he was worried someone would hear the conversation.

Oops, Sure eavesdropping is wrong but I couldn't help myself.

"I think there might be something between Reid and Hillburg. She denies it but it feels like a total lie" Garcia says back to him, Morgan's eyebrows raising as though the lightbulb had gone off in his head.

"Ahh, so loverboy has a girl? She's gotta be one hell of a woman to keep up with him" Morgan chuckles as he starts to walk out of the room, and I quickly dart back to my office to avoid being caught.

Loverboy. Has Reid never really had a crush on someone? Am I in his mind enough that the team is noticing? My head races with thoughts and lust as I sit back at my desk, my phone going off at that exact moment.

Spencer: Are we still on for tonight? It's okay if plans changed, I know that I wasn't able to tell you exactly when we would get back so we can push this out of that's better for you

Me: Tonight is perfect. I'm glad you're home safe. If you want a night off though, that's totally fine, I imagine you're exhausted.

Spencer: Hotch is sending us home shortly so we can get some rest, so tonight is perfect.

Me: Great, anytime after 5:30 is perfect ;)

Spencer: It took everything in me not to kiss you the moment I saw you in the bullpen, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.

Even just reading his texts made me feel weak and melty inside, I've never felt my body scream for someone's touch so badly.

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