Chapter 20*

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His heartbeat is strong and his breathing is calm as I lay my head on his chest and hand over his heart, still coming down from the highs he just gave me. His fingers are twirling my hair while his other hand rests on my shoulder, keeping my body up against his.

"Is it okay if we keep this – us – between us for now? I don't really need Morgan trying to give me any pointers while we're at a dump site" he says softly, and I let out a giggle.

"Yes definitely. I need to wait for another payday before Garcia catches wind of this... I kind of told her that if her hunch was right I would take her for drinks. Didn't fully think that one through" we laughed, and I raise my gaze to meet his warm eyes. I wondered what kind of thoughts go through such a brilliant mind in moments like this.

"If I ran a warm shower, would you join me?" I asked him quietly, secretly hoping I could buy more time with him before he leaves.

"You stay here, I'll run it" he kissed my forehead softly before he rolled out of my bed and went into the bathroom. I could hear him turn on the shower, and I followed him over. As we got into the shower and the hot water hit my skin, I could feel my muscles relax. Spencer came in behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against his body. He swept my wet hair over my shoulder as he softly kissed my neck, causing me to melt even further into his embrace. I turned my head over my shoulder to meet his lips when I noticed he seemed off.

"Spence? You okay?"

"Char- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to–" he raised his hand to gently place it next to a bruise forming on my bicep from the place he grabbed me to kiss me against the wall when he first arrived.

"Hey– Spence, look at me" he raised his eyes to meet mine, his eyes had this nervousness behind them. I gave him a soft kiss before saying "It doesn't hurt at all. If anything, it's like I get to keep a piece of that perfect moment when you inevitably leave. Plus, I'm the one who should be apologizing."

"For what?" he asks, and I break the embrace to spin him ever so slightly, my fingers tracing the red scratches I left down his shoulder blades. "Don't apologize for that, I actually liked it... I knew you were feeling good when you held me tighter" he turned me around so my back was against his chest, and he gently started massaging shampoo into my hair.

"What else did you like, Doctor Reid?" I teased.

"Fuck – I love the way that sounds coming from you" I could feel him starting to get aroused against me.

"I didn't think you had it in you to curse, Doctor" I continued to tease as he rinsed the shampoo out and started running conditioner through my hair, and his bulge grew harder.

"You'd be surprised" He teased as he began washing his own hair. "What makes you feel good?" he asks, and I could feel the blood rushing into my cheeks.

"Um – I guess I haven't really thought about it. But when your dominant side takes control... it does something to me that I can't seem to explain. Like when you kissed me up against the wall... and when you went down on me" I paused, biting my lower lip as he pulled me closer into his body. "What makes you feel good?" I asked back, as he gently started washing my body and his.

"Well, I like when you call me Doctor in that teasing way you do, and when you got on top – that felt incredible" he paused before leaning close to quietly say into my ear, "I liked hearing you moan my name... but next time I'm going to make you feel so good that you're screaming my name".

Holy fuck - good thing we were already in the shower because I was just as wet now as I was before I was sitting on his dick.

"If it weren't already 10:30 pm, I would take you up on that right now, but maybe the wait will make it even hotter" I pressed my lips to his, pulling him in by the nape of the neck and his hands cupped my face as the kiss became more and more passionate.

We eventually got out of the shower and dried off, I threw on an oversized t-shirt and pyjama shorts, Spencer throwing on his boxers when I looked up to see him sitting on my bed watching me towel dry my hair. I walked over to him as he held up his hands, inviting me to crawl into his lap.

"I know it's selfish, but I don't want you to go" I said as I laid my head against his strong chest.

"What if I told you that I decided to drive here and that I always keep my go bag in my car just in case?" he kissed my head softly, and hearing him say that made my heart skip a beat.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" I pleaded.

"I didn't want to be presumptuous by bringing it, but I'm glad I did. Let me go grab it from my car, I'll be right back" he kissed me quickly as he shifted and got up, throwing on his clothes that I so hastily took off him. I watched him walk out the front door with his keys in hand, trying to contain my excitement until he was out of ear and eyeshot. 

What the fuck just happened? Spencer Reid, like the guy you've lusted after for so long, not only just gave you the best orgasm of your entire life but is also staying the night... and asked you to be his girlfriend. I felt like I was floating, like we were the only two people in the world like nothing could ever hurt again as long as I was with him. 

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