Chapter 36

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Only two days had passed since getting the news about Spencer before we were both abruptly sucked back into work and out of our little land of good and happy news. The victim service unit was in full action today, so much so that Sawyer called me in at 4am to get over to a scene. Usually it's Spencer getting these calls so naturally he woke up looking for his phone when Sawyer called.

"Go back to sleep, love. It's my turn to get out there early" I brushed my fingers through his hair, he was so sleepy he could barely lift his head from the pillow. I went to get out of bed and just before I made it off, I felt his hand grab mine and pull me back towards him. He kissed me softly, both of his hands framing my face before he whispered "be safe. I love you baby".

"Always. I love you forever. Now go back to bed" I quickly kissed his lips and forehead before grabbing an outfit from the closet and getting ready in the bathroom. I was so rushed to leave that I barely had time to grab anything more than water and a granola bar for the road. I turned and locked the door, treasuring the gold key Spence had cut for me when he asked me to move in with him. No matter what bad things await, I know I'm coming home to the best man in the world, and for me, that was more than enough.

I got in my car and left, driving right to the scene location Sawyer had sent. There are things that you'll never be prepared for, and this was one of them. A mass shooting at a women's shelter, with many casualties including children of women who were fleeing domestic violence. The two men were shot and killed by the security guard of the shelter, but sadly the security officer gave his life in protecting the residents. I arrive at the scene, quickly seeing my entire team standing out front as Sawyer gave out each person's instructions.

I spent hours comforting and talking with victims, helping them call any safe people they have in their lives, working with child protective services, and setting up new arrangements for survivors. Hours passed by in a flash and the workload was overwhelming. I barely had a second to myself to even take in what was happening; instead, I shoved it all down and kept helping as many as I could. It was around 9:45pm when Sawyer finally sent me home. Usually, my drive home (when Spencer and I aren't carpooling) is full of my favourite songs on full blast, but today it was silent the whole way back. Spence had sent me various texts to check in during the day but I didn't have time to respond and at this point, all I wanted was to get home and see him. I pulled into my parking spot seeing Spencer's car beside mine. No major cases for the BAU today so he was probably able to get home at a reasonable time. I wandered upstairs to our apartment, turning my key in the lock and walking in, kicking off my shoes, dropping my bag, and taking my ponytail out.

My arrival caused Spencer to look up from the book he was reading at his genius speed on the couch. As soon as he laid eyes on me, he shut his book and shot off the couch to come hug me. I must have looked like a wreck, I felt exhausted and yet I also felt entirely numb. Today was brutal and the horrors of today were just starting to sink in.

"I heard about what your team responded to today. I'm right here, baby" he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into him. I buried my head into his chest and let a few tears fall from my tired eyes. He scooped me up and brought me to the couch, sitting me down beside him so I could curl up against him while he let me process what happened today. "Do you want dinner or anything to drink?" he asked me just before we fully settled into the couch, and I just shook my head no in response. He sat next to me and I laid my head against his chest as I sunk deeper down.

"Can you read to me? I just don't want to think about it anymore" I said softly. He picked up the book he was just reading and tucked me under a blanket as I closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead tenderly before he started reading from A Study In Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle. His calming voice settled some of the screaming anxious thoughts rattling in my brain as he stroked my hair and read. After a while, I must have fallen asleep, and Spencer had moved me to the bedroom. I woke up as he set me down on the bed, seeing that he had laid out my pyjamas. He helped me change and even grabbed my makeup wipes for me. As he settled me into bed and crawled in behind me, I turned and buried my head into the crook of his neck again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me quietly.

"Not yet. I still don't fully know what I experienced today. Can you tell me about your day?"

Spence told me about the paperwork he did, the meals he ate, the things he saw on his metro rides to and from work, and the prank Morgan played on him. He talked about potential retaliation strikes on Morgan, most of them were pretty subdued but his enthusiasm about it made the story so much better. One of the many things I loved about Spencer Reid is his excitement and enjoyment of the things he didn't really have as a kid but now got to experience as an adult. Things like small practical jokes, or a cool new toy that he would bring to Henry for them to both play with would bring a breath of life back into the little boy he once was forced to abandon so quickly. In a way, I think we were both each others' lighthouses calling out to the lost ship that home was near; I guess I never realized that home could be a person until I found him.

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