Chapter 52

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I was woken up to the sound of Athena crying. Rolling over and looking at the clock, it was only 3:18am, and I pulled the baby monitor closer to see Athena was indeed awake and upset. The weight on the mattress beside me shifted as Spence rolled over and grumbled ever so softly as he woke up too.

"I got her" he said sleepily as he forced himself to sit up. I was too exhausted to even try to fight back, he'd gotten her the last two times and still didn't mind. He leaned down to kiss me quickly before he rolled out of bed and shuffled across the hall to the nursery.

Despite my heavy eyelids threatening to take me back to sleep, I watched on the baby monitor as Spencer gently took Athena in his arms, cradling her and shushing her cries. I watched as he evaluated what caused her to stir, watching him rule out a diaper change and food; he settled into the rocking chair with her, patting her back and speaking softly to her. After a few phrases, I recognized that he was reading The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury from memory; it was the first book he had ever read to me, the start of something we would spend so many evenings doing together, and eventually reading to our little sweet pea before we knew her. The threat of tears falling from my eyes out of love for this image of the man I loved beyond words reading a book of significance to our relationship to our daughter. I don't know how long I watched this go on for, but at some point I must have fallen asleep.

I woke up to the sun peeking through the gaps in the curtains and the sound of birds chirping. The baby monitor was no longer in my hand, but it was back on the bedside table; Spencer must have put it back when he got Athena back to sleep. I rolled over to find him still sleeping peacefully, his breathing relaxed and deep as his eyes fluttered through his dreams. I checked the monitor to see Athena still sleeping peacefully, and decided to enjoy the moments of quiet while they lasted. I turned back over and snuggled up to Spence, my leg over his and my hand on his chest while I nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Through his sleep, he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me while I listened to his heartbeat until he stirred.

"This feels like our early days of dating, how we would spend hours like this before getting up" he said, his voice low and raspy as he placed a light kiss atop my head before his breath hitched and the thought crossed his mind. "The baby monitor is on... right?" He inquired, partially sarcastically. As though she could hear him, Athena let out a cry before I could answer. I sat up to go get her, pressing my lips to Spencer's before leaving the warmth of our bed.

"You cursed it, Dr. Reid... she's up now" I shot him a smirk as I left the room.

After changing Athena, feeding her, and getting cleaned up myself while holding her, we walked into the kitchen to see Spence making breakfast.

"Look at your amazing daddy making mama breakfast" I said in a childish voice to Athena, and she let out a small laugh.

"I can't believe she's already five months old. Where is the time going? It feels like just last week you were telling me you were pregnant" he said as he placed two plates of pancakes, fruit and yogurt on the table for us.

"I'm just really happy that you decided to take an extended leave. I know it wasn't an easy decision for you, but having you here has been—"

"Once I saw her the decision was easy. You two are my everything, and I didn't want to miss watching her grow or hit these milestones because I was across the country on a case. I missed too much time while you were making her, and I'm not making that mistake again" he held my hand from across the table and looked into my eyes. How did I ever get so lucky?

"I love you, Spence"

"I love you more, Char" he said as Athena cooed and we both turned our attention to her.

Our days were filled with spending time reading to Athena, playing with her, and sleeping when she slept. Occasionally when we had energy we would get chores done; just last week Spence attempted to put together a playground in the backyard. The man might be a genius but some tasks just require a Derek Morgan. Once Athena went down for her nap this afternoon, I crawled onto the couch and curled up in Spencer's arms. We enjoyed the silence for a while, and I could almost hear him thinking.

"Okay Doctor, what's in that brain of yours today?" I asked him, reaching up and playing with his hair.

"I've spent years of my life feeling... I don't know, lost I guess. But when I met you, suddenly the feeling dissipated" he paused, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to wait any longer, I want to marry you now. We've waited long enough, and that's my fault for taking so long to admit my love to you over a year ago... but I want this. I want us. I want you to be my wife" he said as I sat up and looked into his rich hazel eyes.

"You think Rossi's backyard is available on short notice?" I smiled and he laughed. He went to pull out his phone to send Rossi a text, but my sharp inhale stopped him in his tracks as he looked back to me.

"When did you know? That you wanted me forever?" I asked softly. I saw his eyes dig through his memory as he pulled me closer again.

"I knew that I needed to know you before we actually met. Do you remember that FBI barbecue they held a while ago?" He asked.

"Yeah I do, I was like brand new to the bureau, I think it was my third week on the job" I smiled before becoming confused, I didn't remember meeting him there.

"Well at one point, you moved the crowd away from under that tree where a birds nest fell out of. You carefully got the baby birds back into the nest and got Sawyer to put it back in the tree. That was the first time I saw you, and I knew immediately that I had to talk to you, to know you" he said.

"Why'd you wait until I was called into a BAU case to do it? I was just down the hall" I teased.

"I was scared... I guess? Statistically, the odds were not in my favour so I just nursed the infatuation for a while. But I knew I wanted you forever when we interviewed those two girls together and played with toys on the floor. I'd never seen something like that and I knew that it was you. You're gorgeous, your intellect and attention to everything you do is mesmerizing to me, and how you make me feel... how could it not be you?" he pressed his lips against my head as my heart filled with warmth at the thought of him falling in love with me.

"Spence— I remember feeling so intimidated when we did that interview. I was sitting next to a genius who also happens to be incredibly hot, and now I gotta pray I don't mess up my one chance with the BAU" I felt my face flush ever so slightly as I relived the moment in my head.

"When did you know? About me?" He asked almost hesitantly.

"Well, I knew you were impressive and very attractive before I actually had a conversation with you" I started and he let out a slight laugh. "But I remember the moment that you let me in after that panic attack... something about you not being afraid of showing vulnerability to me, allowing me to listen and being willing to share your story... I don't know I guess I started to feel this ache to have you in my life. But I knew it was love I couldn't afford to lose when I showed you the darkest parts of myself and instead of leaving, you held me tighter" I said quietly. He guided my chin upwards as he took my face in his hands, kissing me softly, slowly, then deep and lustfully. The sounds of Athena beginning to wake disrupted us, and I smiled through the kiss.

"That's my cue" I said with my lips still against his, and he smiled while I stood up and walked away.

Holding Athena felt sacred, like somehow I was holding the universe and all of the stars in my arms. She had Spencer's hazel eyes, his sweet nose, and his smile. She was perfect in every way, and I never knew until the moment I held her for the first time, how much I would sacrifice for my family. Spencer came up behind me, hugging me from behind and putting his chin on my shoulder while I rocked our daughter to sleep.

"So if you're sure, Rossi's backyard is available tonight and tomorrow, and Garcia has been on standby ever since the engagement" he whispered to not disrupt our daughter drifting off to sleep.

"Wait, what about your mom? I imagine you'd want her here for this" I said, feeling a little sad at the thought of her missing this too. I turned to look at him, and cut him off as he opened his mouth to speak. "I want to marry you more than anything, but I also want your mom to be part of this if that's what you want, so I'm willing to wait one more day if you are".

He kissed me in response and smiled, and that was all I needed to know. 

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