Chapter 32**

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Nearly two months had passed since we took down my sister's killer; my hand had since healed and I was slowly starting to return to work. The first two weeks were hard, I spent most of my time in Reid's bed, hardly moving or talking. I felt like the shell of a human and I knew it was hard on Reid too; I felt horrible about it but Spencer took time off to lay with me and make sure I ate (at least a little). He truly was one of a kind — he ran me baths, read me books, cooked for me, and filled the silence I so abruptly left him in. He made various runs to my apartment to get more of my things and even watered my houseplants for me seeing as he couldn't get me to leave the apartment no matter how much he tried. 

I'd finally started feeling better and contributing to the tasks around the apartment after two weeks, but nightmares and panic attacks still lingered for a few more weeks. As the the life came back into my eyes over this chunk of time, and Spencer was waiting for me with his arms open. He would dance with me in the living room, have bubble fights when we did dishes together, and when he wasn't video conferencing into work for the BAU's current cases, we spent quite a bit of time in the bedroom. Even in his most dominant states, he was a kind and gentle lover who made sure my pleasure was the top priority. He made me happy even on the darkest of days and was so patient when I was going through my own struggles that I could hardly find words to discuss it. Things were easy with Spencer, we could simply just be in each other's presence and no words needed to be exchanged, no elaborate dates or gestures... we could just be. It was everything; I no longer remembered what it was like before him, and I certainly won't ever know what an after him would be, because from here on out it was him and I.

It was a sunny Saturday morning, with no active cases for either of us, and I woke to find myself tightly wrapped in Spencer's arms. I shimmied my ass closer into his crotch and felt him start to stir with a moan as he tightened his embrace on me.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning" he said groggily, his voice raspy and deep as he slowly woke up. I rotated to kiss him softly, keeping my body against his.

"Feels like you are too" I smirked as I put my leg over his, lining our clothed centers up so his bulge pressed against my dampening panties. His hand moved down to the small of my back as he pulled me in closer and pressed his pillowy lips to mine.

"With you around, I'm always in a good mood. I love waking up to you in my arms, and it got me thinking that you should just— move in?" He paused slightly as though he was afraid of what my answer might be. I was slightly surprised but also really excited, I had wanted this for quite some time now but I didn't want to pressure him or be more of a burden than I had already been since the case.

In one swift movement, I rolled him onto his back and mounted him, my hands exploring his bare chest while I leaned in to kiss him hungrily, slowly starting to circle my hips against his erection, my lips stifling his moans through the kiss.

"Does that answer your question, doctor?" I smirked at him before starting to kiss down his neck, to which he threw his head back in response.

"That's better than any yes I've ever received" he softly murmured, his breath hitching at the end when my right hand cupped his bulge. His hands explored my body, occasionally helping me keep the circling motion of my hips against his.

"You know, we don't have anything we need to do today... and seeing as this is about to become our apartment, shouldn't we celebrate a little?" I said in a teasing voice, slowly trailing my finger down his chest, placing kisses delicately along his body, especially his hands.

"It would almost be a disservice to not celebrate the occasion" he smirked at me, his hand making its way under my shirt and cupping my breast.

"Oh but—" I pause to kiss him before continuing to say "today, you listen to me" in a demanding tone. Spencer's eyes fired up, his pupils dilating in excited response while he bit his bottom lip and nodded his head yes.

"Use your words, Doctor" I teased further, and he sharply inhaled. I had always been his sub and the roles never changed... until now. There was something really enjoyable about watching the smartest man in the world turn into complete putty in my hands.

"Yes baby, p– please" he stuttered as I nibbled on his earlobe. His hands moved to my waist while trying to push my hips back onto his. I grabbed both of his wrists with my hands, bringing them up to my lips as I kissed his hands tenderly.

"Being disobedient already, are we?" I watched his face contort as his eyes begged for me to touch him. I started moving down to his hard dick, letting him play with my hair while I pulled down his boxers and freed him. He closed his eyes as I ran my thumb over his wet tip, slowly gathering all of him in my hand, pausing until he looked at me with those desperate eyes. "Tell me what you want" I demanded, slowly starting to pump up and down his length.

"F–fuck, please suck my dick" he whimpered as he attempted to buck his hips, only to be held down by my one available hand.

As my tongue made contact with his tip he gasped as though he had been waiting centuries for a breath of air. Starting to slowly guide my mouth up and down his length, taking more of him into my mouth with each pass and swirling my tongue at the tip, his grip on my hair got tighter. I felt his dick start to twitch in my mouth and his moaning got louder. Knowing he was getting close I sucked his length one last time before removing my mouth. His eyes shot open at the lack of contact, and I smirked as I crawled back up the bed to kiss him.

"You didn't think you'd get to cum without even feeling how wet I am for you, did you?" I teased as his hands made their way to my lacy black panties. He slipped them off as I crawled further up before I straddled above his head. His pupils dilated even more as I hovered my pussy above his face, his hands grabbing my thighs and pulling me down to his mouth, causing me to gasp as he ran his tongue up my glistening slit, ending at my clit. Beginning to flick his tongue across my most sensitive spot, I threw my head back and moaned which caused him to pull me down further onto his face.

"Fuck Spe– oh my god, Spence, you're gonna make me cum" I mumbled, gripping the headboard as my legs started to shake. This only made him move his tongue faster and harder until he pushed me over the edge as a string of curse words came out of my mouth. He released his grip on my thighs and I kissed him hard while I tangled my hands in his hair. The kiss was passionate, hungry, and almost desperate, leaving us both out of breath and panting when we broke.

"You've been so good this morning, Doctor Reid" I mumbled as he suckled at my collarbone, leaving lilac reminders of his lips on my skin.

"Please let me be inside of you" he whimpered as his hands grabbed my ass. I slowly lined up his dick with my entrance, gradually letting him slip inside until he was fully in.

"Fuck, you're so tight" he groaned as I slowly started to move my hips, beginning to ride him. As he closed his eyes and threw his head back, I started to move faster to elicit a moan from him as he bit his bottom lip. His hands navigated back down to my hips, guiding me up and down his length as he started to buck his hips at the perfect angle, hitting all the right spots. I gasped which caused him to go harder and faster. I leaned down to kiss him and he looked deep into my eyes; his piercing hazel eyes were shimmering with lust and passion.

"I love you so fucking much" he said softly before his hand came around the back of my neck and I let my lips crash into his. I felt his dick twitching the deeper into the kiss we got, and the familiar knot in my stomach started to bubble up again.

"Make me yours" I muttered and he swiftly flips us over so he was on top, my legs wrapped around his waist so he could get even deeper.

"Can I–" he started to whimper as he got closer and closer to the edge.

"Yes, baby" I moaned as I started to clench around his twitching length, both of us entering the euphoric high. 

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