Chapter 51

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"You're almost there Char. Just a few more pushes and we get to meet our little one" Spencer's hand was clutching mine, is other helping to hold my thigh up. As I looked into his eyes I found my brain flooding with images of our life together before the next contraction.

"Hey, I'm Spencer"

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Reid, I'm Charlotte"

Who would have known that this introduction to him would also be the introduction to the rest of my life.

"you mesmerize me, Dr. Spencer Reid... one day I want to know your story" the moment I let the small ounce of bravery come forward while he drove us to a crime scene. The beginnings of him being the only man I would ever feel this way for.

The first time I saw the vulnerability he works so hard to hide; holding him on the ground as he navigated a panic attack from temptations.

The first time we spent time together eating dinner and talking; the moments he let me see more than just the FBI Genius. The moment I let him see the shattered pieces of me, and despite every other person who had run from those shards, he sat on the ground with me and admired how each piece created who I was.

The first kiss.

The first time he touched me and my skin somehow knew that he was all I'd ever need.

The first time he truly made me feel alive again.

These collections of firsts creating a beautiful bouquet of memories of the life we'd made, flashing through my mind as I stared into his eyes. I felt the weight of unshed tears fill my eyes, and my grip on his hand loosened.

"Hey, baby, you're doing so great. I'm so proud of you" he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead as a tear escaped my eye.

"We didn't decide on names yet" I sobbed softly, knowing the next contraction and ultimately our baby was near.

"We don't need to know right now. Maybe we'll know when we see the little one" he said softly.

"Spence, I'm scared. What if I'm a terrible mom? What if I can't do this?" tears falling from my face as exhaustion washed over my body. He looked into my eyes with nothing but love and care, his hand brushing the hair out of my face and lingering on my cheek as I leaned into his touch.

"Char, never in my life have I seen someone stronger, or more determined than you. I know you'll be a great mom because of the way you talk about how great your mom was, and how deeply you care about every life you touch. I know it's scary, I'm scared too... but I have you, and I know we can do this together" his lips came down on mine, a stray curled lock of his hair brushing across my face. As he pulled back and went to take my hand in his again, I memorized every moment of the last few minutes that it would just be him and I.

The monitor beside the bed started to beep as the next set of contractions set in. Between my screaming I could make out Spencer encouraging me along, until finally, relief and quiet filled the room for all of one second before the silence turned to the crying of our baby.

He turned to look at me, and I will never forget the look he had on his face. Spencer Reid has a lot of microexpressions that he lets the world see on a daily basis, and a set of expressions that only I am privy to... but the look of joy, intense love, pride, and overwhelming happiness that filled his eyes in this moment was a once in a lifetime thing.

"You did it, baby. Our daughter is here and she's perfect" he took my face in his hands and kissed me, I could feel the tears of joy on his face but I couldn't tell if they were his, mine, or a mix of both. The doctor placed her on my chest and as I held this precious, tiny, crying girl in my arms, all the anxiety of what's to come washed away.

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