Chapter 47

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"Spencer! Can you hear me? Spence please, wake up!" I screamed as I tried to bring him back to consciousness. His pulse was weak but it was there. Derek had pried open Rossi's door and was pulling him out of the car while I frantically tried to put pressure on Spencer's wounds.

"Hillburg, here, let me do that!" JJ yelled as she climbed into the car to help me pack the wounds while not removing the glass shards. Hotchner was now trying to pry open Spencer's door so we could get him out, and with a final grunt the door popped open.

"Where's Emily?!" JJ screamed, looking around frantically.

"JJ help me get Reid out of the car, Hillburg can wait here with Morgan until the medics arrive, you and I will go in and look for Emily" Hotch directed. They hauled Spencer from the car, placing him on the ground next to Rossi who had just come to and was trying to tell morgan what happened.

"He got Prentiss" Rossi said.

"Rossi are you good to stay here and protect Hillburg until backup arrives?" Morgan asked and without hesitation Rossi unholstered his gun.

"Go find Emily" he said, and with that all three took off running into the house to find Emily.

I turned my attention back to Spencer as I frantically ripped open the vest. As soon as I did a sternum run, he came to consciousness, his eyes flying open in a panic.

"Spence don't move too much, you were in an accident. Where are you hurt?" I asked him.

"Char you shouldn't be out he—"

"You really want to do this now? Where does it hurt Spence?" I barked back at him.

"Im okay, really, it's all just superficial wounds" he tried to sit up but I pushed him back down, adding more gauze to his head wound to stop the bleeding.

"Rossi talk to me, how y'a doing over there?" I called out.

"Just peachy kid. How's Reid?"

"Fine, Rossi, I'm okay" Reid called back.

"What happened?" I asked them both.

"This truck came out of nowhere, t-boned us and drove off" Spence answered.

"The truck hit Reid's side of the SUV, he was knocked out on impact. I managed to see the unsub stop the truck, take Emily out and leave the scene. There must have been a second person in the truck cause they drove off once the unsub had Prentiss" Rossi added.

"Hillburg, medics are three minutes out, still no sign of Prentiss but there's a blood trail through the house" Morgan's voice came through my earpiece and I felt both relief and new fear coming over me. I relayed back the information Rossi just gave me and told the team the status of both Rossi and Reid.

"Spence I need you to put pressure on this for a second" I raised his hand to the gauze I was pressing to his head, and he did as I instructed without question (and for once I was grateful he wasn't fully in his mind and his reaction time was delayed). Quickly, I unholstered his gun from his waist for protection just in case the unsub was around, and went to turn around but he tried to stop me; I pushed him off as best I could, heaving in the process before I slipped out of his grip.

"Char what the hell—" he called out to me as I made it a few steps away before throwing up.

"Kid, are you okay?" Rossi called out to me as I threw up again. I heard both of them trying to get to their feet and come over to me, Spencer doing better than Rossi at the task.

"I'm fine" I yelled back, before Rossi quickly asked if I got hurt trying to get into the car. "No, no. Truly I'm fine" I yelled back. I turned around and went back over to them, the ambulance sirens getting closer and closer in the background.

"Char you promise you're not hurt? This is why I didn't want you out here what if something happened to—"

"I'm fine, Spence. I'm okay. Let's get you taken care of. Your head needs stitches"

"Fine but please, give me the gun back. I don't want you getting hurt" he looked at me, and truthfully I forgot I was still holding it.

"Right... sorry. But for the record, I scored a 93 on my field test" I said as he looked at me with extreme shock.

"We're talking about this later" he said as a paramedic came over to tend to him.

Three hours later and Prentiss was back safe and sound, the unsubs were taken down in a standard suicide by cop, and the team was back together in the briefing room with only a few stitches for Reid and Rossi.

"Cases where an unsub had close ties to some of us can be hard, so please know that my door is always open for you all. You too, Hotch" I looked around the roundtable at the team. One of the unsubs had been an FBI field agent a while back but was fired, so he ended up trying to get his revenge by going after the FBI's crown jewel. As I spoke to the team and helped in the debrief, Spence had his hand on my thigh the whole time, and as I finished talking he made eye contact with me; it was one of those silent conversations we had together with just our looks.

"Do we tell them?" Reid's eyes were soft and gentle.

"Do you want to?" I returned the look.

"They're basically my family, but only if you're ready" he looked back and I nodded in agreement.

"We actually have one more thing before we all go separate ways for the night..." I said as I looked to Spence.

"Charlotte and I, uh— we're having a baby" that huge smile creeped across his face as he told the team, and the room erupted into cheers, congratulations, and celebrations. I watched him pull the most recent ultrasound picture from his wallet, and the team joyfully passed it around in awe.

JJ, Prentiss and Garcia all started talking about a baby shower, all the things they could buy for this baby, and of course, who would be godmother. As a team (and me), we decided to go out for dinner as we continued the celebrations about Spencer and I's news. As conversation shifted with the progression of the evening, Spence found a moment to ask what had been on his mind since this afternoon.

"So, when were you going to tell me you did gun qualifications? And why? What made you take the test?" He asked quietly under his breath so nobody would hear.

"Truthfully, I don't really know why I did it, but it helped me feel safe when you were away on cases. And I didn't want to feel like a burden who needed protectors when I went out on cases with your team. So... I did the qualification, but never did anything about it after passing the test because I got pregnant. It's silly, but I just—"

"It's not. And you are never a burden. I—"

"Are you mad?" I cut him off. He looked startled by the question, looking into my eyes before answering.

"No, why would I be mad? I'm a little sad I never got to teach you—"

"You can teach me other things. We have all the time in the world" I leaned in and kissed him, and despite all the bad in the world we just experienced through the day, it all faded to nothing. 

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