Chapter 22

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"You know, candles were originally used to protect the birthday celebrant from demons for the coming year. As a matter of fact, down to the fourth century, Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a Pagan ritual". I looked up at Reid, his intelligence gleaming in his eyes illuminated by the candles on the cake I was putting on the table in front of him. He gets this giddy sound in his voice when he tells me all these kinds of facts and information, and gets even more excited when I ask him further questions about what he's told me.

"Well today, Spence, these candles are for us" I said as I sat on his lap, supporting myself with my arm around his shoulders as he pulled me in and kissed me softly.

"Until I met you, I never really believed I would feel the kind of happiness you bring me. It doesn't matter how many times I see you, every time you walk through a door or you catch my eye from across the room, I still get all nervous and tongue-tied"

"This past year has been the best year of my life because I've spent it with the man I love more than anything in this world. Happy one-year anniversary my darling" I said softly as I kissed him again, his hand cupping my cheek as his tongue slipped into my mouth, my body pressing against his harder.

I was rudely awoken from my dreams of Spencer by a phone going off, startling me so much I unintentionally jumped a bit.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, I'm so sorry it's just my work phone, I'm so sorry it woke you" Spencer comforted me with a hug before he rolled over to his phone and answered. Being half asleep still, I failed to focus on what he was saying, but instead got lost in how mesmerizing his groggy voice and dishevelled hair were. I turned over to see what time it was: 4:47am. This better be fucking life or death to have woken me from that dream and at this ungodly hour. I hear Spencer wrapping up his phone call and putting the phone back down, turning over to kiss me.

"Please don't say you have to go" I said, saddened by the thought of how cold my bed would be without him beside me.

"There's a case with missing children that has the same M/O as a serial killer we've been keeping tabs on, the jet leaves in an hour" he pulled me against his body, and I nuzzled my head into the warmth of his neck.

"No, why can't this have popped up in the morning" I let the disappointment in my voice come through and I felt his grip tighten on me, only to be interrupted by my work phone ringing.

"Sawyer someone better be in a serious crisis for you to be calling me this early" I grumble into the phone as I feel Spencer starting to get up.

"Hey Hillburg, sorry for the wake-up call but Hotch from the BAU requested your assistance on this case. The jet leaves in an hour, Garcia is making a file for you as well but with more details on the victims, their families, and the one girl who managed to escape and survive this perv. You'll get it on the plane. Good luck, kid" he hung up, and my stomach did a small summersault. I saw Reid watching me from the corner of my eye, clearly hoping I was being assigned the case as well. I turned to look at him before saying "I guess I'll make two coffees to go" and getting out of bed.

We quickly packed our go bags, I made coffee, threw on a blouse and black slacks with my flats, and as I was putting on my mascara and lipgloss his strong hands wrapped around my waist as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Your coffee is on the counter, I hope you don't mind I went through your cupboards to find the to-go tumbler I always see you with" he trailed off and I turned to face him.

"It's like barely 5am and you are still somehow the hottest man I've ever laid eyes on. Thank you for prepping the coffee, you're truly the sweetest" I kissed him quickly before turning to grab the last things I need from my bathroom for the flight out.

"Oh shit... I guess we should take separate cars to the tarmac..." I trailed off as I grabbed my bag and turned around to see Spencer, watching me in preparation to leave.

"Does that upset you?" he asked quietly as he walked closer to me, his eyes on the floor to avoid eye contact. I put down my bag and pulled him into a hug, I could feel how tense he was as he started to wrap his arms around my waist.

"No Spence, not at all. I want this to be comfortable for both of us, I know you don't want others to know and that's okay. Hey – look at me" I took my finger and lifted his jaw so his eyes met mine, his hazel eyes sparkling with care as he took in the features of my face. "No matter what we do today, tomorrow, or in the future surrounding... us... I hope you know that I'm always on your side. Now kiss me before we both drive different ways to the same jet" I smiled as he let out a slight laugh and pulled me in, delicately pressing his lips to mine.

We left my apartment and made our way down to our cars. I gave him one last longing look from my car before he drove off. Watching him go was so painful, even though I knew I would see him in less than 45 minutes. You see, Superman had his kryptonite, Achilles had his heel... and me? Well, I had Dr. Spencer Reid. He made me weak in so many ways, whether it be a quick glance, the sound of his voice, the electricity I felt when his skin touched mine, the way he crinkles his nose a little when he's deep in thought, or how his excitement shines through in his voice when he's sharing facts and information; Spencer Reid somehow quickly overtook my life in the best possible way, so much so that I wouldn't hesitate to take a bullet if it meant he was safe. I was hopelessly falling deeply in love with this man. 

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