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(This is WAY better 😁)

Bey Pov

I was on my way home from a long needed trip visiting my family. I rarely ever get to see them due to my demanding duties with Blue but I finally was able to get some time too. I missed my baby though and I won't like and say I wasn't sex deprived. I really wanted to be all up under my man. I bought Blue some ice cream since I know she already ate dinner and would want some dessert. I really hope she didn't give Shawn a hard time because although she is six has my attitude. I know how she can get when I'm not home.

I pulled into the driveway and seen an unfamiliar car sitting in the driveway but I brushing it off figuring Shawn had one of his guys over or something. I got out the car and decided on leaving my bags in the car till the morning since I was tired from the long drive anyway.

I began unlocking the door and was immediately met with a loud scream "Mommmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!" I heard Blue yell. She ran to me and crashing into my legs almost making me drop her ice cream.

"Hello there my beautiful angel." I said peppering her face in kisses making her giggle. "Mommy got you a little treat." I said holding the ice cream out to her. She gasped and clapped her hands together quickly grabbing the ice cream from me.

"Thank you mommy! Why didn't you take me with you?? Daddy is a boring old man!" I laughed loudly at what my daughter just said about her own father.

"Really Blue? A boring old man? Who told you how to say that?" I knew it could only be Kelly. She's been calling him that and so many other things.

"TT Kelly says he's a boring old man. I don't think she's lying mommy." She said licking her ice cream cone innocently.

I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded my head "She's a little right baby. Where is your daddy anyway?" I asked noticing he wasn't downstair where he would usually be with his friends.

"He's in the room with this girl. He didn't even say night night to me mommy." Blue said pouting and I raised my eyebrow.

A girl?

"Stay down here ok baba? Mommy's gonna go check it out." Blue nodded and skipped away to the couch going back on her ipad.

I walked up the grand flight of stairs that led to our bedroom and I hoped and prayed I wouldn't walk into something that could get me put in jail. I took my heels off as I got closer to our room and what I heard crushed me.

The faint moans of a women sounded right behind our bedroom door. I was shaking in anger, hurt, betrayal, I couldn't believe this. He made a vow to me...we both did and this is what I get?

I sucked it up and quietly pushed the door open seeing him indeed fucking some bitch on our bed. They didn't even notice me and that's when I reached my breaking point.

"What the fuck is this Shawn!!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. They both jumped looking at me like a deer in headlights. "Shit! Bey baby it's not what it looks like!" Shawn said covering himself with the pillow on the bed.

Not what it looks like?

"Not what it looks like? Shawn I'm looking at you butt ass naked with a bitch in our bed!" I yelled trying not to let the tears fall that were threatening too.

"Excuse me but I ain't no bitch!" I snapped my head over at this hoe. "Bitch I ain't for your thoughts! You betta pipe back before I beat your ass" I yelled looking at her like she was crazy.

She opened up her mouth to say something and that's when I slapped her before she could even pronounce the first syllable. "Say something hoe! I dare you!" I screamed getting ready to hit her again.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now