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Bey Pov

I was going to pick up Blue from Kelly's house she told me that the doctor's said that Shawn almost tore Blue's muscle in her shoulder which just made me all the more pissed off. I don't know why he thought he could just walk back into my life. He cheated on me then tried to guilt trip me by saying I was "ruining the family" when it was all him and now Blue is hurt because of it. I pulled into Kelly's driveway and Blue and Alyssa were outside drawing with chalk and my baby had a sling on her arm but im glad she can still have fun.

Once Blue saw my car she started smiling and once I got out of the car she ran towards me with her arms open.

Blue: Mommy! Mommy!

She hugged me with her one arm and I picked her up spinning her in a circle.

Bey: Hey mommy's baby! How did you do at the doctor's?

Blue: Good! but it hurt a little bit. But they gave me a sucker!

Bey: Im guessing you ate it already?

Blue: Yep! Where's mama?

Everytime Blue calls Megan mama I smile it's so cute.

Bey: She's at home baby she's still sleeping.

Blue: Can we get her some breakfast?

Aww my baby is so thoughtful.

Bey: Of course we can baby. Lyssa can you get Blue's stuff please?

Alyssa: I gotchu Bey.

She went inside to get her stuff while I placed Blue in her seat carefully. As soon as I finished Alyssa came out with her stuff and placed it in the backseat.

Bey: Thanks Alyssa. Where's Kelly?

Alyssa: Oh she's still sleep..

I squinted my eyes at her knowing exactly what they were doing last night. Let me find out my child heard them.

Bey: Mhm let me find out my child heard yall and both of yall are getting your ass beat.

Alyssa: Noooo please don't Bey.

Bey: You better hope and pray Alyssa..

She nodded her head and ran back inside. I closed the door to Blue's side and went back to the driver side and got in.

Bey: What do you wanna get Mama for breakfast baby?

Blue: IHop!!

Bey: Ok baby. Let's go.

I pulled out the driveway and started our adventure to IHop me and Blue were singing the the car until we got there. I pulled into the parking lot and got out getting Blue from her seat and held her on my hip walking inside. As I was walking inside I immediately stopped in my tracks.


He was sitting eating with a group of boys I tucked Blue's head in the crook of my neck and walked in. He had bruises on his face which he deserved.

Blue: scared

Bey: Why baby?

Blue: I see Daddy.


Bey: Don't worry baby mommy's not gonna let anything happen to you ok let's just get mama's breakfast.

Blue: ok mommy.

I walked up and Blue ordered what she wanted and helped me order for Megan and I got something for me. While I was finishing my order I noticed Blue squeezing tighter into me and put her head in my neck.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now