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1 Week Later...

Bey Pov

Me and Megan we currently shoe shopping for the babies. I wanted my babies to have the freshest Jordans just like they mommy." Baby don't you think that's enough for now?" Megan groaned I think she was just mad she had to hold the bags. "Nope! I want the babies to have the best shoe collection a baby could have." I stated still looking at shoes deciding which one I wanted to buy. "We can come back and get them baby you've spent over 10,000 dollars on shoe's already."

Ok? I have way more money to spend too. "There is more to be spent still so come on let's go." I said rolling my eyes continuing to shop. I heard her groan but she knows not to argue with me cause I will check her real quick. These babies give me the best comebacks in the world so I know she doesn't want no problems.

30 Minutes Later...

Megan finished putting the last bag in the trunk and got back in the car " I'm never taking you shopping again." I swear she complains all the time but when I buy her something she's on mute "That's a lie but I'll let you run with it. Let's go pick up Blue."

Blue was currently at her dance practice my baby loves to dance just like her mommy so I put her in a dance class and she has really grown. Her teacher always tells me how confident Blue is when she dances and she's always showing out and going hard each time.

Megan pulled out the parking lot and started driving to the dance place. Megan reached over putting her hand on my stomach rubbing it as she drove. She always does this when she drives I think it's became a habit and I love it.

After about 10 minutes we pulled up and walked inside. I waved at the desk lady and walked to the back seeing Blue threw the little window. My baby was doing such a good job keeping up she was always in the front. I watched as Blue did a little pop move and I laughed she looked so cute "She most definitely got that from you". Megan whispered in my ear as she watched Blue dance with the other girls.

I agree that was my favorite move when I was younger. I saw all the girls start to grab there stuff and run out. I saw Blue run out with the rest of them and she looked around for us and once she saw us she ran towards us with a big smile on her face." Mommy! Mama! Miss. Grace said I did good today!" Blue said as she jumped for joy with a big smile on her face. "That's great Baba. Mommy and mama are so proud of you"! I said as I kissed Blue's cheek.

"We saw you in there getting it girl! You looked just like your mommy." Megan said picking up Blue and placing her on her hip ticking her stomach making her laugh. "Really?!" Blue said with a shocked look on her face "Yes baba I thought I saw a mini Beyonce in there." Megan kissed Blue's forehead brushing her hair out of her face. " Yay! I wanna dance just like you mommy!" I smiled at Blue loving her confidence. "You will baby you will get better everyday so can be just like mommy." I told her poking her nose with my finger making her giggle.

"Excuse me Mrs. Knowles?" I looked over seeing Grace and giving her a soft smile. "Yes Miss. Grace?" I said looking at her waiting to see what she had to say. "Blue did an amazing job today she's very expressive in her dancing. I can tell she puts all her emotion in her dancing and that's very good for a 6 year old. She's gonna go very far in the world with her dancing".

Me and Megan were both smiling ear to ear and Blue was just jumping up and down with happiness. I loved to hear that Blue was growing in something that she loves.

"Thank you Mrs. Grace Blue loves to dance and I'm glad she's growing in it. You have a nice day Mrs. Grace. I said giving her a warm smile " You too Mrs. Knowles." She walked away and I smiled to myself my baby is gonna be the best dancer out there. "Mama I'm hungry! " What do you want to eat baby?" Megan asked I prayed it wasn't sushi because Blue could eat that for the rest of her life if was wanted "Spaghetti and meatballs please!"

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