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Bey Pov

"Bey wait!" Megan said chasing after me. I rolled my eyes storming into our room right into the bathroom. "Babygirl I'm sorry I didn't know about any of this" she said grabbing my arm. I snatched my hand away wiping my tears. "Bey please talk to me I'm sorry I just wanted Blue to be happy.." I turned around with a mean mug "Megan I get that but you still should've asked me about it! You didn't know what my answer was gonna be! They bullied a six year old out of jealously! Why the fuc-" "mommy? mama?" I heard faintly. Both me and Megan turned around to a crying Blue.

"Baba what's wrong" I said walking over and picking her up "Are you guys yelling because of me?" she said and I shook my head no " Of course not babygirl everything is ok." I said kissing her cheek. Blue nodded and started reaching for Megan. I rolled my eyes discreetly before handing her off to Megan. "Mama I wanna go play outside!" Blue yelled and I just walked out the bathroom climbing on the bed pulling the covers over my head.

I heard both Blue and Megan walk out the room and I sighed wanting to go see my babies. I called Julius asking if he could possible arrange having the babies moved here. "I gotchu boss" Julius said and I thanked him hanging up.

I closed my eyes wanting to take a quick nap. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay mad at her for long and I understand she was only trying to make Blue happy.

Megan Pov

Me and Blue continued to play outside. I was trying to put on a happy face for her because I don't want her to pick up any energy. I didn't know any of that happened at the party and I really wish Blue would've told me. Now Bey is mad at me but I want her to understand I was trying to make Blue happy.

I didn't mean any harm just seeing the way her face lit up when she asked me I knew she was really excited. I can't believe kids bullied her and made fun of her.

"Mama im tiredddd" I heard Blue whine and I nodded. "Nap time?" I asked and she nodded. "Ok baba let's go" I picked her up walking back inside. By time I made it upstairs Blue was already sleeping on my shoulder. I at least wanted to change her clothes. I took her shirt off and put on something more comfortable. I left her pants on since they were just sweatpants.

I walked out cracking her door and heading back to our room. I opened the door seeing Bey sleeping soundly. I sighed walking inside fully and stripping from my clothes. I stayed in my boxers and sports bra and climbed in the bed. I laid next to Bey on my back not even bothering to try and touch her because I know she probably doesn't want me touching her. After a few minutes of laying Bey's body rolled over putting her entire body on top of mine. She cuddled into my neck putting her leg around me.

I wasn't sure if she knew she was doing this but of course I didn't mind. I closed my eyes putting my arm around her securely. About 20 minutes of laying there I felt soft kisses on my stomach. I opened my eyes seeing Bey looking at me while kissing my stomach. "Bey what are you doing?" I asked wondering why she's not pissed at me or cussing my ass out. "I was trying to wake you up..." she said lowly "I was never sleep Bey I was just chillin" I said keeping my eyes on the ceiling "oh..." I giggled realizing how nervous she was.  When Bey knows she was in the wrong she gets nervous to talk to me but I wouldn't say she was in the wrong she had a valid reaction.

"I'm sorry about my outburst Megan... but you have to understand I didn't want Blue to be exposed to anything like that..." she stated and I nodded my head understanding her. "I understand baby but I wanted her to be happy. She looked so excited to ask me and I couldn't say no" I said.

She huffed and sat up on the bed "did she hit you with her signature pout?" She asked crossing her arms giving me a knowing look. Now that I think about it she definitely did. I looked down scratching the back of my neck "uh- she did..." "Megan that's why you need to ask me first because she can't convince me with that pout anymore but I do understand you we're trying to make her happy and I appreciate that but we need to communicate better when it comes to her." she said and I nodded agreeing.

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