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Two Days Later...

Blue Pov

"I heard you got in a fight at school" My therapist stated. I stayed silent looking down at my lap.

"Blue what did we talk about safe actions?" She questioned me and I rolled my eyes.

"Think before you act and don't let your subconscious control you.." I said very annoyed.

"Mhm glad you know. Now why did this fight happen?"

"She was talking about my parents and my siblings and they were saying that my parents sell us and neglect us. That's not true and I hate when people talk about my family. I corrected them and the girl got in my face and was talking about the way I dress and she was musty so I offered her some of my perfume. S-she smacked from my hand and broke it so I pushed her and then she kicked me and I whooped her." I finished off balling my fist up. I was calm at first talking about the situation at school but now I get so upset. That girl shouldn't have been running her mouth all reckless and I wouldn't have had to pop her in it.

"Blue take a deep breath. I know it's a very upsetting situation but let's leave it in the past." My therapist instructed. I took a deep breath and relaxed a little bit.

"I am aware that your parents whooped you and you got triggered. I told them that's not the way they should have disciplined you so they know not to do that again Blue. I just wanna ask how did that remind you of your father?" I felt very triggered by this question and didn't wanna answer at all.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I quickly said.

"You have to open up about that Blue at some point. Your older now you have to speak your emotions instead of acting on them." She stated but I didn't care. When I was in therapy when I was 9 they didn't make me talk about stuff like this so I'm confused on why I have to now.

"I just don't wanna talk about him.." I said again.

"And why is that Blue?"

"Because! H-He was my best friend! He never did stuff like that to me when I was little! He always loved me and I was always "Daddy's little girl" to him but everything changed so quickly! Next thing I know I start staying at my aunties house for weeks and week and weeks. I never saw my dad until he came and took me from her. He was rough with me and it scared me! I begged, begged, and begged for my mommy and she came and got me. My mom left me with my auntie again and then she came back and we stayed with her for at least two months. I was so confused but I was little and clueless and was told to stay out of grown folks business. One day my mom left again for my aunt's party and I was with a babysitter then the next day she came back with this woman and that happened to be my mama. I loved her immediately and started calling her mama because she took care of me and my mom and even though I was little I could tell my mom really loved her and so did I. Then something scary happened." I just couldn't stop rambling. I was broken and it definitely showed.

"My dad broke in my mama penthouse and tried to take us both. My mom protected me as best she could w-which resulted in him stabbing her...I hid in my closet and facetimed my mama from my Ipad. I clicked, tapped, and slammed that button hoping she would answer but she didn't so I sent her a video because I was so scared and I was only seven. I told her that somebody was hurting my mom and I needed her. Before I could click send the closet door swung open and my dad grabbed me up. I screamed and screamed for my mama and my dad hit me in the face, knocking me out cold. I woke up seeing my mom unconscious in the back of a trunk. She was bleeding and I cried, telling her to wake up and she didn't. Someone grabbed me and pulled me inside our old house and I never saw my mom again." I wiped my tears that were uncontrollable flowing down my face. Why can't I stop?

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