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Megan Pov

I was on the way to the club with my boyfriend Pardi. My cheating boyfriend may I fill in. I don't know why I stay with him but I guess I've sorta attached myself to him...he picked up my broken pieces when my mom passed away and I just stuck with him.

We pulled up to the club and made our way inside. As always I looked around but something caught my eye...someone caught my eye.

This light skinned woman with straight hair going down her back. She wore a black sundress and black heels and honestly she looked kinda sad. She was drinking some beverage but I couldn't tell what it was.

I kinda wanted to see what she had to offer. I continued staring at her until she turned her head and that's when she made eye contact with me.

I winked at her and she smiled. Damn...that smile is perfect.

I definitely need to get her alone.

Bey Pov

When I made it to the club I immediately drowned myself in the liquor. I didn't wanna feel anything and I was hoping to find a distraction tonight.

As I sat at this table drinking alone I felt like someone was staring at me so I looked around to see if that was true or I was being paranoid.

I made eye contact with this woman who was brown skinned and beautiful. She stared at me as she walked next to this man and other woman. She winked at me and it made me feel something that I never thought I would.

I smiled and looked down at my lap.

Maybe she can be my distraction for the night...I mean it does hurt to try something new.


Megan Pov

Me and Alyssa were already turnt off drinks and were dancing in the middle of the club. "Megan you know that woman keeps eyeing you right?" Lyssa said and I turned immediately catching that same woman's eyes on me.

I decided to approach her since my mama ain't raise no bitch. "I'll be right back Lyssa" I said and began making my way towards her. Once I got in earshot of her and I called her out "What's your name baby?" I said sliding into the seat next to her. She nervously looked up at me and I swear she must have been heaven sent because she was beautiful.

"I'm Beyoncé" She said and I know that accent from anywhere. She's must be a Houston baby.

"Megan...wea' you from?" I swear if she's from Houston this girls pussy in mine tonight.

"Houston, Texas...born and raised" I bit my lips and looked her up and down real quick.

"Me too. I wasn't born there but I was raised there. Why you hea' alone?" She's way to fine to be sitting her by herself.

"I needed to blow off some steam so I came here...not really sure what I'm looking for though.." she said and she really did look puzzled.

I can help with that.

"Well something must have happened.." It was all over her face. Reading body language is my number one thing.

" husband cheated on me less than two hours ago so is that a good reason?" She said looking down at her lap. could anyone cheat on someone that looks like her?

Her husband must be out of his mind.

"Dang...I'm sorry to hear that."

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now