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1 Week Later...

Bey Pov

I approached Megan feeling kinda nervous. Ever since she came back shes has been kinda off. I thought we talked it out but I could tell there was more she had to say. I didn't hear everything that was said when Megan walked out the kitchen into the living room but I can tell Kelly and Alyssa said something offending.

She's constantly been writing in her journal and she keeps it hidden from me. I feel like our energy is off and I don't want that. Usually she's all under me and kissing on me and showing me affection. But now? She rarely does that anymore. Sometimes I fall asleep without her because she's off somewhere writing.

Even with Blue she doesn't give the same amount of affection and playtime with her. Same with Rumi and Sir. She's knows they're here but when she hears them cry she acts as if they're not. I don't want her to neglect our children like that.

I lightly tapped Megan's shoulder and she turned around and took her beats off her head.

"Wassup baby?" She said closing her journal.

"Megan what's going on with you?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

She furrowed her eyebrows and placed her journal to the side.

"What do you mean Bey?" She asked with a confused tone.

"Megan you've been writing in that journal for a week. You've been really secretive with it and I'm not saying I don't trust you but something is off with you and it's rubbing off on our relationship." I said and she huffed looking away from me.

"Ight Bey.." she said and I scoffed.

"Ight? What do you mean Ight?" I said starting to get slightly pissed off.

"I'll stop writing..." she said lowly and I shook my head.

"No Megan you're not understanding. I never said you had to stop writing you need to communicate with me. Tell me what's going on..." I was kinda begging at this point. I love Megan and I don't want anything to come between our relationship.

"Listen Bey I'm not feeling myself right now ok? I'm trying to cope in a healthy way and writing is what it is..." she explained and nodded sitting down in her lap.

"Megan why don't you feel yourself?" I asked caressing her cheek.

"Ya friend called me a killer...Alyssa told Kelly all mah business about how I killed my boyfriend but I did that to protect you because I love you. I killed people for you baby. Like I said I went back to Houston to attempt to find peace again and I haven't found it yet but I'm getting there Bey...I'm not tryna shut you out or anything I just don't wanna ruin the last thing I have..." Megan was now crying and I felt bad but I was really pissed on the inside.

Megan is not a killer. I will be having a talk with Kelly AND Alyssa. She had no right to air Megan out to Kelly like that.

I wiped her tears and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I-I miss her so much Bey..." she cried and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Who?" I said softly and kissing her forehead.

"M-My mama..." she cried and I widened my eyes. Megan has never opened up to me about this. I am aware that her mother has passed but she's never told me personally.

"She kept my head on straight and she sacrificed a lot for me. I loved her so much and looked up to her I just wish she was still here Bey. I can't do anything right without her here." She wailed and I could feel myself becoming emotional as well. Megan has been through a lot and I know Alyssa knows more than me so she's definitely a fake bitch after what she just did.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now