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Megan Pov

I parked across the street from the house Beyonce was held in and it was heavily guarded. I would wait no matter how long it took I wanted to kill that nigga and feed his dead body to the animals in the forest. He took advantage of Beyonce and impregnated her, He put his dirty ass hands on my girl, abused her and her child, I want that nigga gone...

I watched as the gate opened and a car pulled out driving away I looked closely at the car and noticed it was Shawn driving away. I knew this was my chance to get in there. I thought of an idea and knew that there is a 50/50 chance that it would work. My plan was to wear a reveling outfit cause im sure all those men surrounding the house are creeps just like Shawn. I mean why else would he hire them?

I was gonna walk up to the gate and pretty much act like a prostitute just so they would let me in. I know Beyonce wouldn't be happy about this idea but it was the only thing I could think of.

Megan's outfit

I felt my phone vibrate and checked it

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I felt my phone vibrate and checked it.

Lyssa: Megan where the hell are you??!

I sucked my teeth and got out the car both Kelly and Alyssa can suck my ass right now all I care about is Beyonce and Blue.

I walked up to the sidewalk and made my way to the gate with a trench coat covering my outfit. I made it to the gate and the guards stopped me immediately.

Guard: Aye this is restricted property!

Megan: im here for a Shawn Carter?

Guard: What for?

I smirked and opened my trench coat letting them see what was under it. Both Guards scanned over my body and licked there lips.

Megan: Yall gon let me in?

Guard: Hell yea we are you gonna let us get a piece of that?

In my head I was disgusted but I had to keep up this facade if I wanted to get inside.

Megan: You gon pay me?

Guard: Anything you want mama....

Megan: Good now weres Shawn?

Guard: He should be back soon you can wait inside. Walk up to the door it should be open for you.

Megan: Ok thank you!

I walked in the gate as it opened and swayed my hips and walked away I heard them saying "damn" under there breath. I swear men are so easy to trick as long as they get sum pussy but in this case they ain't getting nothin but a bullet to the head.

I opened the front door and it was quiet and peaceful and it was a beautiful home but I need to get them out of here before he comes back or shit is gonna have to get messy.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now